Friday, October 27, 2006

Gold Earring Findings

Ernst Woller opens the exhibition "Prints from Bulgaria"

on 25.10 .2006 opened Dr. Philip Maurer, Offizin for Printmaking, and council Ernst Woller, chairman of the Municipal Committee of Science and Culture, the exhibition "Prints from Bulgaria: A cultural contribution to the Accession of Bulgaria to the European Union
the exhibition. is still up year-end every Wednesday in odd weeks from 19.30 clock in the gallery on the white border Gerber, Gerber White border 24, and visit with an appointment (phone 0664-4207604, Ernst Woller).

council Ernst Woller with the curator of the exhibition, Dr. Philip Maurer

Copyright: Jobst Christian

"With his prints, Bulgaria has achieved an internationally acclaimed cultural status. With Dr. Philip Maurer we could win a great connoisseur and expert curator who continued to be the cultural exchange between Bulgaria and Austria tried and uses. With this exhibition we want to make another cultural contribution to the near Bulgaria's accession to the European Union. "Ernst Woller said in his opening remarks.

The give in the gallery on the tanner-country works on a sense of the diverse history of the country on the Black Sea: So give some graphic impression of the extraordinary world of Greek mythology pay, others are religious issues, giving rise to the Ottoman by the occupation. The discussion of Bulgarian artist with the style of socialist realism undergoes a special assessment.

an insight into the exhibition and the Bulgarian prints out the web site of the association for " culture in the Third."

The gallery on the white border Gerber

shows for almost 25 years, the SPÖ-tanner in their section, local stations, especially young artists. Accents are in those areas of the art set, the man / woman can afford. For example, can range of excellent art prints are already acquired from 50 €.

"Art should be open to all art and need not necessarily be expensive to warm the heart of art lovers. With our gallery we provide a broad public access to fantastic art and young artists a forum for their works and messages. "Woller said Ernst, who along with Burgess Bartl the idea of a gallery 25 Years initiated.

Burghart Bartl (center) looks for nearly 25 years, the Gallery of the SPÖ-tanner

Many other sections of the Vienna Social Democrats and the cultural work of this period are followed by a model action and often allow unknown artists to establish themselves and their works a wider audience.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Usbflash Chip Changer

council meeting on 25.10.2006: For historical treatment of the mass murder of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire!

"incitement and prejudices rather than stir up serious debate - that is to be the usual game of the FPÖ, which we will certainly not participate," , now the Vienna SPÖ-FPÖ council Ernst Woller an application, said on " Armenian genocide "in the Vienna City Council. "The fact that the Freedom Party have not really dealt extensively with the theme is not, also shows that the text blocks for the application of 1:1 has been copied from the Internet."

There was no doubt that Turkey also to its history and prehistory in the Ottoman Empire are and must make a contribution to improving relations with Armenia, so things further. "But that is what the Freedom Party is not really obvious."

that individual EU countries or even the Vienna City Council make a historical verdict on one side by a third party - most recently the French parliament - is extremely problematic, have "but also and especially many European countries very dark chapter in its history and prehistory that have brought up today denied by some insisted. "

useful is the proposal of a common work-up of historical events by the EU and Turkey: "The Question clearly belongs to this level - and not in the Vienna City Council - discussed and worked up. " closed Woller

report on this debate in the Vienna City Council in" Vienna Today "

At issue in the meeting minutes of the 13 . meeting of the Vienna City Council on 25.10.2006

Funny Invitation For Marraige

council meeting on 25.10.2006: Vienna needs a strong, joyful and conflict politically conscious city theater!

"In Vienna we have a sensational development in tourism - this is due to the fact that Vienna is investing in the sector of art and culture" said Today the Vienna SPÖ culture spokesman, Councillor Ernst Woller, during the debate on the subsidy for the Vienna People's Theatre in the Vienna City Council. "Vienna is above all a lively theater town, the theater and not zusperrt."

The diversity of the Viennese theater world is also reflected in the coexistence of large and small - institutional and independent - against theaters, so Woller. "As part of the theater reform, the funding for the off-scene from 14 to 23 million euros has been increased - which is an increase of 64 percent in 6 years!" A reciprocal playing off of large and small theaters is not reasonable and to reject.

Vienna but also need a strong, joyful conflict, politically conscious and successful city theater, so Woller. "The Public Theater under Michael Schottenberg met awarded this claim. " Schottenberg have already received in his first season with his plays position and requires the most interesting young directors. As new venues Schottenberg have opened up the dog storm or Belllaria cinema. " The Hitler room has Schottenberg fueled a large architectural debate and a completely new place for scenic projects on contemporary history created. "

If the council decides today an additional grant of 450,000 € for the National Theatre, they so require, " to the successful passage of this to continue building ", said Woller. "The documents have been examined in detail and were accessible to all counsel." The additional needs of the theater was explained, "because it has been a management change, there is a new drama, severance and retirement accounts have become necessary and also because there has been lower revenues." The National Theatre is known to be chronically underfunded for years and "to live for 7 years with the federal subsidy cuts of 660,000 euros per year." Since 2000, the theater was EUR 4.6 million less in funding received from the federal government. "While the City of Vienna in the last 9 years, the funding . Has increased steadily by 9.4 percent, the federal government for obvious political reasons, the funding has reduced by 13.6 percent, " order to maintain the game mode, Vienna jump with half the resources necessary one - " in the hope . that the federal government takes the other half "

a big theater like the Public Theater could not exist without subsidies: " Taking the stage statistics will recognize you, for example, that the Klagenfurt City Theatre to 118.26 € per spectators, the National Theatre, however only 58 € will be subsidized. "

If the opposition parties against the promotion of Vienna vote for the People's Theater, they should call alternatives. "We're at least at the popular theater to its employees and the ensemble. A broken lock and saving of committed and successful theaters in Vienna, it is not safe with the SPÖ give!" closed Woller.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Is Jib Jab Free Anymore

Public Theatre: "Social Democratic Party for Broken saving and close down theaters do not have to '

"The Vienna City Council decided on Wednesday a additional grant of 450,000 € for the Vienna People's Theatre - after serious consideration of all documents that are accessible to all
party representatives" said today the Vienna SPÖ culture spokesman, Councillor Ernst Woller. "We know very well that this is only part of the debt, we still hope that the federal government fulfills its obligation in the same height!"

The height of the now agreed funding for the National Theatre comparatively lower than some years ago agreed debt relief for the city was Joseph so Woller. "the now financial situation has arisen because the people theater is known to be chronically underfunded for years and for 7 years federal subsidy cuts of 660,000 euros per year live." Since 2000, the theater had 4.6 million Euro to receive less funding. "While the city of Vienna in the last 9 years subsidies increased steadily by 9.4 percent, the federal government from obvious political reasons, the funding by 13.6 percent has reduced."

has now come the time when the theater no longer could - "in order to maintain the game mode, jumps Vienna with half the necessary funds in the hope that the federal government the other half takes over. "

As part of the reform were the theater promotions for the off-scene from 14 to 23 million Euro has been raised - "This is an increase of 64 percent in 6 years!" So want. In Vienna there was a good juxtaposition of large and small - and free institutional - theaters. "A reciprocal playing off in any case not sense."

When the Viennese opposition parties with the support of the National Theatre did not agree, they should call alternatives. "A Broken saving and close down theaters will not give it to the SPÖ in Vienna!" Woolley concluded.