Sunday, August 19, 2007

Creamy And Lotiony Cervical Mucus

visit Nitsch Museum

Together with colleagues from the Vienna City Council, I visited the Nitsch Museum in Mistelbach.

Coincidentally, Hermann Nitsch himself was present - a good opportunity for a personal interview.
He did not accept to join us during our tour.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Boxing Gloves For Babies

cultural cable plant: VP-culture spokesman goes against cultural investments

"is of course by the operators of the cable plant and the political leaders of the 12th district consistently on the concretization of the project," "worked" Cultural Kabelwerk , today responded to the culture spokesman for the SPÖ Vienna, Municipal Ernst Woller, statements of VP-culture spokesman Wolf. "If the new head of the co-production theater dietheater not use at the present time the offer of an additional larger venue do, then that does not mean that the project cables work in cultural policy would not be justified."

"The cable plant was in previous years, a most interesting cultural place in the south of Vienna, who served alongside many socio-cultural projects as a great venue for the independent theater scene, but also for cultural institutions like the Vienna Festival Weeks" so Woller .

If the city of Vienna in the course of implementing the urban development project on the Grounds of the former KDAG for the cultural infrastructure extra money for a cultural center in the southern Vienna posting provided "then the success of the Viennese cultural politics."

It is absurd that politicians like VP-cultural council Wolf "continues to oppose investment in cultural infrastructure" regrets Woller. "Would not council Wolf early and at his own request from the Vienna of the Austrian People's Party at the time got out mitbeschlossenen theater reform, he would not try artificial excitement to obtain, through the Austrian People's Party press information on theater reform."

The Viennese cultural policy under the responsibility of City Council Mailath-Pokorny will continue - unimpressed by heckling individual opposition parties - to forge ahead with investments to secure the top position of Vienna as a city of diverse culture and expand. "A new modern" WUK "in the south of Vienna is a good step in that direction," concluded Woller.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Exotic Dancewear Skirts Patterns

Serapionstheater - City of Vienna is in a joint solution

"The city of Vienna on a solution for the Serapionstheater as defined in the Municipal beschlossnen theater reform interested" , said today the culture spokesman for the SPÖ Vienna, Municipal Ernst Woller, to Dikussion to the Serapionstheater in Vienna Odeon. "essential but is that the criticisms of the Assay Office to be addressed. "

also with other theaters, the city had engaged in intensive talks solutions found, Woller. " The Serapionstheater are already long negotiations and discussions. Undeniably, however, remains that of the Control Board disputed points must be resolved so that it can reach a mutually acceptable agreement "concluded Woller

Monday, January 29, 2007

Reducing Redness Eczema

Exhibition tip interested in: Esin Turan - targeted urban mazes

open duration of the exhibition 25 January to 16 February 2007
Tue -!. FR 9-17 clock or by appointment

The Small Gallery
1030 Vienna, Kundmanngasse 30
Tel 01/71 03 403, Fax 01/71 03 403 13
kleine.galerie @ ,

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Long And Thick Scarves For Men

long-term solution for Serapionstheater

, SP-culture spokesman Ernst Woller presented on Thursday with reference Open Letter to the theater management clear. Rather it is a constructive and viable solution to the long-term security of the house and the artistic to find work of users, Woller.

should be specifically created a foundation model, which is the example of the "Theater in der Josefstadt private foundation-oriented and gives all stakeholders and donors the opportunity to actively participate. This should also address the suggestions of the Assay Office, which has practiced in his report strongly criticized the construction of the Odeon Theatre Association. "The proposals of the theater to Serapion, a foundation has eliminated the criticisms of the Assay Office to date, however, in no way whatsoever" so Woller.

VP-culture spokesman Wolf was obviously badly needed a refresh his memory, continued Woller. In fact, the approach of the Viennese cultural city council based on a decision of all the Holes council represented parties in February 2005, according to the Serapionstheater a two-year funding was awarded, provided that until 2006 comes to a joint clarification of the future structure. "These issues form very seriously" , Woller said, adding in conclusion: ". I am confident that we will find a satisfactory solution for all concerned"