Monday, August 18, 2008

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What can be done about high fuel prices? Practical tips for saving gasoline

"I'm annoyed when I go to fill up . This oil mafia pulls the money out of my pocket to put it in football players. This stinks to me enormously, and that goes for Mr Abramovich. This Mafia controls the world and manipulates the oil price. I leave that to not offer more. "With these words, the Bayern manager Uli Hoeness in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung quoted on Sunday. Mr. Hoeness can be used for Bayern appear to be less expensive to buy top players as the oligarch Roman Abramovich for his club Chelsea London.

Thus, our purchasing power

suffers from this problem for the economy is shown easily. Not only Mr. Hoeness loses against the oligarchs and oil sheikhs of purchasing power, there are whole economies like those of Germany, Switzerland or Austria to lose purchasing power. The fueled by high oil prices inflation eats away the reward of the work of the traditionally capable people in these countries.

The following figures give an idea of the huge shift of economic power. Germany consumes about 28 million tonnes Diesel and 22 million tons of gasoline per year, Austria approximately 6.2 million tons of diesel and 2 million tons of gasoline and Switzerland, some 2 million tonnes of diesel and 3.5 million tons of gasoline per year. Just think that the Germans are now paying more than 140 cents per liter diesel and this five years ago were still 88 cents, then shows the shift of purchasing power and economic power at the expense of local consumers. create

Remedur against high gasoline prices !

What can be done about high fuel prices? If the trend continues like this, highly efficient electric cars will hit the market. This is the future. Currently, many on the car for the need to work. Transporters to effect the supply of the economy in goods with their fleet. The millions of vehicles on the road are a fact.

is important that even with the operation of the existing vehicle fleet fuel and money can be saved. How much money could be saved here, if only as 6%, 8% or 10% of expenses for gasoline or diesel could be saved? This would require some way to work a little better and protect the family budget. Carriers could improve their profit margins somewhat, because the gas prices often make up one third of operating costs.

The key to fuel and save money today

There are a variety of tips and resources, which can be saved thanks to existing vehicles fuel and money. The technology is in the areas of fuels is not over. Nanotechnology offers potential savings, which were unthinkable a few years ago. Cleaner Globe shows can be saved as in the here and now while driving and refueling money. The website presents verifiable testimonials from professional consumers. See: save The key is the same distance with less money or even to go further, ie the energy efficiency of to improve vehicles. This helps not only the money, but is also good for the environment.

Liliane Waldner

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It's time, the high price of gasoline or diesel is a trick. This can be achieved in everyday life through practical measures:

It is many do not realize that gas-guzzlers installations and supports are on the car. So many cars are available all year long on the road with bikes on the roof, ski racks or containers for their sports equipment. All of this degrades the aerodynamic and eats up unnecessary fuel. Unless necessary, should be unscrewed these angular structures.

Lieb won for consumers to take driving a car fuel. We like to drive at untwisted music, in the winter to turn the seat heater, take pleasure in the cool summer air conditioning. Also, the fan consumes gasoline. All electrical equipment in cars are recharged by the gasoline engine. The power of light a day increases the security for the price of more fuel consumption .

extra, unnecessary weight that is carried in the car leads to more fuel consumption. The trunk should therefore be emptied of superfluous things. Alone 20 or 50 pounds more on board cause a significant increase in fuel consumption.

Some supermarket chains conduct their own gas station chains. Some of these supermarket chains own gas station credit for your customer card so that you can gather there for refueling points such as the purchase of other consumer goods. How to obtain it elsewhere for costly refueling at least minor concessions.

If you fill up regular gasoline instead of premium gasoline or super plus, this is cheaper. By the way, makes it unique, nanotechnology fuel additive Less produced it possible to run with unleaded 95th No matter what is being fueled: With Less in the fuel mixture the car is going further than without. Find out more about the test report and reported the site

Liliane Waldner are

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with self-help against the high fuel prices

Oil Prices within a short time has grown significantly. This is also reflected in the high fuel prices. Although the situation has eased somewhat in recent weeks, prices remain at a significantly higher level than even a few years. Consumers in the Western world be plucked like chickens.

example, consumers are Plucked!

"Behind the high energy prices lies not only the" invisible hand "of the market, but also the hand of the autocrat," the German strategy consultant and lecturer Peter Robejsek in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung of 14 August 2008. He also said: "The high energy prices exert on Western companies from a concert destructive pressure. With the help of the high prices steal the energy supplier to western prosperity, strangling its economy and thereby jeopardize its political stability. "

appears to act!

other hand, we can only help by the efficiency is improved with the use of petroleum products. While in buildings recognized today thanks to passive energy buildings, the technology exists and wide to buildings to operate without fossil fuels, the transport sector is lagging far back. Enhanced efforts are needed to make the market less dependent on fossil fuels.

The Role of Cleaner Globe

Cleaner Globe sells the first to nanotechnology-based fuel additive produced the world called Less. The nanotechnology-produced fuel additive is produced on behalf of Cleaner Globe H2Oil by the company in Silicon Valley. Less was tough field testing by the State Institute The Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research. Transport companies have since been saved successfully to over 100 million kilometers with Less fuel and money. The website
will save information about the product as well as general tips on gasoline or diesel provides.

blog as a platform for fuel-saving tips

This blog not only provides information about the fuel amplifier Less, but also about other ways to save fuel in transport and mobility. It is open to Suggestions of others. diesel or petrol save means save money and preserve the purchasing power of the national economy.

This blog is operated by Liliane Waldner. She was for 17 years a member of the Cantonal Council of Zurich for four years and member of the power stations of the canton of Zurich.