Monday, March 2, 2009

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Annual training event for horse people

Since we are often asked if there will be no 2009 as in previous years, again a lecture for horse owners and riders - here the view.

2009, we have more than enough deals in February, our one-day seminar on tendon injuries to arrange for veterinarians to prepare and successfully. The seminar was a great success, with more than 140 applications at a maximum of 40 possible participants heavily oversubscribed, so there will be a repeat in the fall. Those unable came into play, will be informed in good time.

On the same theme (Tendon disease and therapy in the horse) in spring 2010 we will then perform another event for horse owners and riders. We then go to the new treatment methods such as the use of stem cells, autologous Päparaten etc. Soon enough, it's back as before for information, a newsletter.

Until then so be patient - the way we have to work so even a little, and meanwhile there's the odd lecture by me at different events.

For more information: