Monday, November 20, 2006

Front Element On 70-200 Repair

Vienna's cultural budget for 2007 - Ernst Woller: "More money for Vienna's culture!"

"It is gratifying that it will release next year sign an increase in the culture budget, amounting to 5.5 percent" said last night the culture spokesman for the SPĂ– Vienna, Municipal Ernst Woller, under the special debate on culture and science in the context of the budget debate in the Vienna City Council. "This is a bigger increase than the budget increases the City of Vienna."

whole, there are more funds next year for Vienna's culture as only the increase in the culture budget of 10.8 million euros: disappear "With 30 million euros in funding for the Mozart year is, the culture even more money available, ", so things further. It concluded that even the increased financial needs are of the Theater an der Wien saved as a new opera house. The House had passed his first year as an opera house in the Mozart year was very successful. " All objectives . have been greatly exceeded, there were outstanding performances and a 95prozentige utilization. The Mozart year had in Vienna Image lasting improvement to reach people in all parts of the city

path to success in the Theater an der Wien will continue in the coming year - " It will be ten new productions in the Opera area, Barockpern, but also contemporary type " so Woller. " First a few days ago, the acclaimed performance of "I Hate Mozart" showed that the Theater an der Wien in the 21 long Century has arrived "

also added that the" little theater reform "on the right track: ".. There are a variety of independent groups first long-term funding " Sustainable reforms would have implemented the Symphony, the " as . Cultural Ambassador Vienna internationally celebrated major successes "

Another focus of the film is: . Viennale has seen this year a record year with 88 900 visitors, the horticulture cinema has experienced its best year since the takeover by the Viennale In the field of visual art projects of public art were successfully "This includes the art Karlsplatz - in a few days ago opened the Northwest Passage with a remarkable media installation." is important is the decision to build a memorial to the homosexual and transgender victims of National Socialism.

"Culture is part of Vienna's high quality of life - that the 2007 budget will help it remain so" concluded Woller.


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