Friday, December 31, 2010

Milena Velbe Picutres

Merry Christmas & a happy new year!

The year is coming to an end ... Much has happened ... but I was very lazy when it comes to writing the blog.
The new year is coming ... and I try to start 2011 with good intentions.

hopefully all things go well, the Christmas dinner is digested ... Celebrate
strong and slides well into the year 2011!

soon ... January

Friday, June 11, 2010

Take Home Pregnancy Test After Ivf

Solvandring by Åke Thornblad at the Beryllgatan in Gothenburg

to complete work Månfärd, havet and solvandring (Moon, sea and beach walk) to the Beryllgatan the Gothenburg district Tynnerd also includes two walls with images that Solvandring the course of the sun represent. Again, the artist takes to surrealism, this time in the form of a ceramic work.

To break the cycle of sun, so the Solvandring, display, the artist reaches for one to "soft material" ceramic, not merely provides an inherent gloss, but also allows the use of soft colors and in the course of the day by changes Sunlight constantly takes on a different expression.

The Swedish artist born in 1929 Åke Thornblad works with almost any material and surprise, therefore, again with each of his works. The skilled in the art school Valand artist who has spent several years to study abroad is, however, repeatedly returned to ceramics and to knowledge he has acquired in the 40s and 50s in the ceramics studio in Gothenburg. Works by Åke Thornblad be found today not only as public art, but also the most important museums in Sweden.

Copyright Text and photo: Herbert Karlin

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tutu Birthday Dresses In India

Flätad Mur, woven wall, Berit Lindfeldt the Smyckegatan in Gothenburg

allowed in the residential area Smyckeparken the Gothenburg district Tynnered not be missing architectural art. Therefore, the brick house was on the Smyckegatan 92 in 1992, also on a corner a brick sculpture that the artist called Flätad Mus, woven wall, and extends on two sides of the southern corner to the roof.

The artist was here from the old traditional production of bricks, which were still hand-shaped wet, and then, in distilled form a certain structure, a special character to the building to convey. In the case of the residential area Smyckeparken should express the work of growth and change, which came with the Flätad Mur also excellent since Berit Lindfeldt in their work, the braided wall to sunlight, thus adapting the light and shadow.

created in 1947, the Stockholm-born artist Berit Lindfeldt in her adopted home of Gothenburg a very diverse art in public works such as Boll Hising Iceland or more are the exceptions. Berit Lindfeldt studied at the School of Design and Visual Arts and the School of Art in Gothenburg Valand and taught Art in nearly all Justifier en parts of Sweden. The artist will be accommodated mainly for their property relations in the arts and master praised proportions.

Copyright Text and photo: Herbert Karlin

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Gay Cruising At Kennedy Airport

Månfärd by Åke Thornblad at the Beryllgatan the Gothenburg district Tynnered

seven years before the first human to set foot on the moon, Åke Thornblad created in the Beryllgatan Gothenburg district Tynnered two works which he called Månfärd, so Moon, and the more the visions of Jules Verne's Around come as the actual Trip to the Moon and the history of rocketry. In his work, one is already on the moon.

The artist, his six-piece body of work Månfärd, havet och solvandring called (Moon, sun and sea migration) has summarized three elements that are closely linked and therefore less travel to the moon, but rather the relationship should be expressed between the moon, water (tides) and the role of the sun. The surrealist work at one of the fronts of buildings should therefore be more a symbol of the moon.

Åke Thornblad, who was born in 1929 in Höganäs has developed, After completing his studies at art school in Gothenburg Valand one of the most important ceramic artists of the city. Åke Thornblad in Göteborg made several public works, in its abstract form a kind of cubist forms.

Copyright Text and photo: Herbert Karlin

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Black Women In Japan 2010

acrobat Erna, the acrobats, Ronald Reyman the Smyckegatan in Gothenburg

Only a few meters from the Gårdsmusikanter (backyard musicians) there is another sculpture made of aluminum sheet the same artist. The musicians were here, however, be exchanged for acrobats. The acrobats of the Smyckegatan in Gothenburg were among the childhood memories of Ronald Reyman, because as he often came to Gothenburg developed propelled artists in the city, which then present their art in various places.

As in all his works of the artists in Tynnered has resorted to a surrealist mode of expression, which he uses in his typical acrobats also contrasts with the color choice. Those who know his work will immediately recognize his style in dealing with black and white. The work on the Smyckegatan belongs to a series of three works, describing all the life Majornas from the 50's.

Ronald Reyman (1928 - 1998), especially among the Endre Nemes at Slöjdföreningen (now HDK) and the School of Art in Gothenburg Valand studied art, worked primarily as a painter. But even with his sculptures of the election Gothenburg Ronald Reyman resorted to a poetic surrealism, his expression, he took out everything that surrounded him. Ronald Reyman works can now be found in major museums in Sweden.

Copyright Text and photo: Herbert Karlin

Monday, June 7, 2010

Indian Womens Showing Boobs In Saress

Månfärd havet, solvandring, Åke Thornblad at the Beryllgatan in Gothenburg

Each of the six residential units at the Gothenburg district Beryllgatan Tynnered received when it was built a piece of art that express a whole, six large pictures, the Månfärd, havet och solvandring (Moon, sun and sea migration). As are the six works of artists of his era, the abstract symbols are interpreted in some cases very difficult, even if when viewing very soon realized that two works belong together.

The artist, known primarily for his ceramic works, has applied in the Beryllgatan several techniques, but also two in the same technology and the same style were shown. The illustrated work of art dating from 1962 provides Havet, represents the sea, and includes the waves of the sea, buoys and fish symbolized.

Åke Thornblad was born in 1929 in Höganäs and formed from at art school in Gothenburg Valand sculptor, graphic artist, ceramist and graphic artist, where he worked 1963-1971 as an art teacher. Åke Thornblad works in the shaping of his sculptures often with ceramic, with his public works are also made of welded sculptures of copper and iron, which is more than one place in Gothenburg.

Copyright Text and photo: Herbert Karlin

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Snorlex Pokemon Wallet

Inbjudande att komma hem of Denice Zetterquist in Gothenburg

at two houses on the Smyckegatan the Gothenburg district Tynnered to find each a three-part work of art that attracts with its surrealistic colors delight the eyes of residents and visitors. The three-part, partially formed structure consists of a tile painting at the two doors to the building with the number 20

The artist studied in this work in 1992, no illustration, but wanted by his own admission, apply a kind of invitation card, a Inbjudande att komma hem, the invitation into his own apartment. Denice Zetterquist used for this brilliant colors and a soft expression in the brush. Every resident of the building should be here already feel welcome from the front door.

Denice Zetterquist works as a painter, illustrator and graphic designer. She was born in 1929 in Väröbacka in Halland and studied under Endre Nemes at today's School of Design and Visual Arts and then at the Art School in Gothenburg Valand. Denice Zetterquist painted at the beginning of her career turned in particular still life, but later more and more of abstract art, however, they remained true to the soft colors in their works.

Copyright Text and photo: Herbert Karlin

Saturday, June 5, 2010

How To Congratulate My Sister For Her Wedding

Tre Gracer, Three Graces, by Per Agelii in the wedge coupler Park in Gothenburg

stands at the highest point in the Rambergsvägen wedge coupler Park in Gothenburg on one side of the road, the three-part sculpture Tre Gracer, Three Graces. Even if one thinks of the Tre Gracer the three Greek graces from the mythology that express the grace and are usually depicted as naked women, so the Tre Gracer soft in the wedge coupler Park but this idea somewhat.

Even if the viewer can think of the three figures on the road to women's surreal illustrations, so the artist has a different explanation, because he felt that represents the Rambergsvägen the Göta River and the three sculptures represent the high cranes on Gothenburg cargo port, as witnessed by the two viewpoints, which are located on the Ramberget can see. The artist wanted to express, therefore, the economic, industrial Graces Gothenburg.

The Gothenburg artist Per Agelii works as a stage designer and sculptor, said he is responsible for numerous sculptures in Gothenburg. Per Agelii, the Tre Gracer created in 2008, the centenary anniversary of the wedge coupler Parks, studied at art school in Gothenburg and was Valand then continued his studies in sculpture courses at the CPB (Konstnärernas collective Verkstad). The artist lives and works in Gothenburg.

Copyright Text and photo: Herbert Karlin

Friday, June 4, 2010

Marine Mental Disqualifications

Susanna Carl Milles at Kvilletorget in Gothenburg

The sculpture Susanna or Flicka med snäcka (girl with shell) were bathed created by the artist, Susanna i and originally stood in a private garden. In 1945 she was then purchased by Charles Felix Lindberg Donationsfond and on Guldhedstorget placed before Susan came in 1948 in the Lundby Kvilletorget the Gothenburg district.

The sculpture represents Susan is the most important scene of the work "Joakim uti Babylon" by CM Bellman : The beautiful wife of Joakim is surprised by two older men in the bathroom. Since they both reject, however, claim that they had surprised Susan with a lover. Susan is therefore sentenced to death for adultery, but at the last moment saved.

One does not know when Carl Milles (1875 - 1955) created the girl with the shell, but the work in bronze, marble and concrete part of the series of his fountain creations, the artist famous made. Carl Milles began his artistic career in 1897 when he received a grant of 200 crowns from the Svenska Slöjdföreningen, enabling it to Paris to learn woodcarving. Soon Milles moved but, under the influence of sculptures by Auguste Rodin, a sculpture in bronze.

Copyright Text and photo: Herbert Karlin

Thursday, June 3, 2010

0.25 Mg Restyl Tablets

hands and feet on the Smyckegatan

When taking a walk through the residential area at the Smyckegatan the Gothenburg district Tynnered, we discover all works of art. Some of them are still not signed by the artist found in the list of works of art of the construction company. In one of these anonymous works, there is a several meters long and about one meter tall mosaic.

The mosaic hands and feet, consists of three pictures, showing only hands or feet in different positions and situations. Since it is this work is a surreal representation, one can interpret the meaning of these hands and feet, as some express game, help others, or fear. Some feet are children, other adults.

The factory hands and feet is perfect in the architectural embedded environment, and seems to express the life in this residential area to do with the boundary wall where the mosaic is appropriate, an a line between concrete and green surface. Against the wall you can only land on a bench on the grass behind the wall.

Copyright Text and photo: Herbert Karlin

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

How To Reset Suitcase Numbers

Lövet in Gothenburg, das Laub von Leo Pettersson an der Jewellery street in Gothenburg

on the edge of the residential area at the Gothenburg Smyckegatan, over one of the small building, in which filter waste and housed, will discover a granite sculpture that Lövet the artist, the called leaves, has and is a fictional page. Today, like this sculpture may seem somewhat poorly placed, as the residential area is now surrounded by trees.

When the artist in 1992 in the district Tynnered created this work, there were few trees and plantings seemed rather dull. Leo Pettersson therefore wanted to distract the view from the cubic architectural works and create a kind of movement in the brick world, what with him Lövet, the sheet, well done, even if you get today in the Smyckegatan almost the feeling of living in a forest in which just a few blocks of flats have been established.

Leo Pettersson, who was born in 1952 in Gothenburg Partille attended art school Valand. While he created at the beginning of his creative life, especially large-scale stone sculptures, his works in recent years, more intimate. Leo Pettersson, who is known in Sweden for his paintings and drawings, created several public works in Gothenburg, on inter alia the Klippdockan Redbergsplatz.

Copyright Text and photo: Herbert Karlin

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What Do Women Think Of Penis Piercings

Farm Musicians, Hofmusikanten, von Ronald Reyman in der Jewellery street in Gothenburg

in the green housing complex in the Stenafastigheter the Gothenburg Smyckegatan in Stadtteill Tynnered there are numerous sculptures different style. One of the works in sheet aluminum is Gårdsmusikanter, court musicians, the Court does not here is the royal court, but means the interior and rear gardens.

The artist thought to the creation of its Gårdsmusikanten his time he spent in the district Majorna, at a time when in the backyards Göteborgs still hear musicians play that went from farm to farm and as a precursor of today's street musicians can be called. As with all his works of the artists remained with this sculpture its reputation as a surrealist artist.

Ronald Reyman (1928 - 1998) was born in Chicago, studied, however, already from 1948 to today's Academy of Design and Crafts and from 1951 until 1955 the School of Art Valand in Gothenburg, where he settled as an artist was . Although Ronald Reyman more known as a painter and graphic artist, was thus created in Gothenburg but also several surrealist sculptures.

Copyright Text and photo: Herbert Karlin

Monday, May 31, 2010

Levonele Side Effetcs Bleeding

swim in pods, Baden in der Schüssel, von Ake Jonsson, an der Topasgatan in Gothenburg

On the playground in the Gothenburg district Topasgatan Tynnered find since the 60's a sculpture, which still shows an old bath method. A mother bathing her child in one of the former bathing bowls, of course, as the whole sculpture is cast in bronze. Built

As the residential development at the Topasgatan early 60s on a wooded area, had these buildings already have a modern bathroom, but it was in the vicinity of traditional wooden houses, which lacked the comfort and where children in tin pans and tin bowls were bathed. At these break thought the artist as he created his work 1960-1962, which was exactly express the break this time and placed symbolically on a playground was.

Åke Jönsson (1921 -1992) was born in Osby and initially worked as a laborer in Skåne. He was then but Konstfack in and out of the Kungliga Konsthögskolan in Stockholm sculptor and graphic artist. Åke Jönssen, who made several sculptures in Gothenburg, taught from 1953 1961 at the School of Art Valand in Gothenburg. Some of his works can now be found in several museums in Sweden.

Copyright Text and photo: Herbert Karlin

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Advent Wreath Meditations For Home

Mermaid, die Seejungfrau, an der Fridhemsgatan in Gothenburg

According to the Swedish mythology mermaids (sjöjungfruar) modifications of the sirens and therefore involve seafarers in general calamity, when they listen to their advice or listen to their songs. Originally had these women say being a female torso and the abdomen of a bird, which resulted in the Scandinavian mythology, a female torso and a fish tail, especially as the Sjöjungfru was a very strong creature that ruled the seas and was tied to the water.

It is no coincidence that the construction company Poseidon on the edge of their buildings as permitted in the Fridhemsgatan Kungsten an artist from the lowest to carve out part of a tree struck a mermaid that looks tempting to nearby pedestrians, but bound forever in its place is. Not far from it you will also Poseidon in wood, the sailors also might be more sympathetic than the Seejungrauen or mermaids of the far north, which does with her magic, only destruction.

the artist this wooden sculpture has left, unfortunately, like so many wooden sculptures of Gothenburg, only his initials AS, which only his friends and acquaintances say something. Judging by the nature of the sculpture of the mermaid was Poseidon few years earlier by a different artist created.

Copyright Text and photo: Herbert Karlin

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Change Combination On Carlton Suitcase

grazing sheep, defeated only Schafer, von Lars Petersson in Gothenburg

The sculpture Betande får or mad sheep, which is at the Hammarkulletorget in Gothenburg, we discovered only when to cast his eyes to the multi-storey buildings over the place, because the multi-part sculpture made of stainless steel is on the broad front of the row of slightly over the place.

får Betande was established here in 1981 with the construction of the houses and shows two sheep, which among several stylized trees . Graze The grass is shown in waveform corresponding to the shape of the surrounding greenery. Anyone looking at the sheep grazing on the wall, notes immediately that the artist has adapted the work to its environment, even if one finds today looks the sheep.

Lars Petersson (1929 - 1981) has created this work by the Gothenburg district Hammarkullen shortly before his death, leaving that to some extent a legacy. The artist Lars Petersson was born in Karlshamn, and studied at the Slöjdföreningen, now the College of Design and Crafts in Gothenburg. Between 1969 and 1978, he taught architecture at the Technical Chalmers University in Gothenburg.

Copyright Text and photo: Herbert Karlin

Friday, May 28, 2010

Urinary Infection Gay

Svea an der Länsisatamankatu in Gothenburg

One of the most impressive sculptures Göteborgs is certainly Svea, with their lion on a building in Västra Hamngatan towers. Since 1890, the mythical founder of Sweden's view on the roof of the house number 3 At her feet is her lion, the second lion that accompanies them often, has been replaced by an anchor. In her left hand she carries the sign with the Swedish three crowns.

Svea is not only the symbol of Sweden, but also represents the Svea Insurance Company, which had its headquarters here until 1974 and will therefore take the whole company under its protection and on the ground anchor Sweden. There was no record of what the artist FOR Peterson & Construction Söner appointed time. What is certain is that the idea of the architect Adolf Emil Melander comes.

Moder Svea (Svea mother) that once graced also Swedish banknotes, is today a very controversial figure and is used primarily by far-right groups as a symbol, which overshadowed their earlier purely mythological significance. The figure was in Svea mentioned 1672 in a poem by Anders Leijonstedt the first time.

Copyright Text and photo: Herbert Karlin

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mount Blade Warband 1.011

Maritime von Lillemor Petersson an der Tailors street in Gothenburg

The wrought-iron fence Sjösäkerhet (safety at sea) to the building of the Sea Rescue at the Skräddaregatan in Gothenburg a whole is a single work of art, which only contains symbols related to the sea. The metal creates waves, including ships and Seekennzeichen, but also has the painted symbols of the Sea Rescue is fully integrated with the architectural Native design. Although the five-meter-long fence until 1994 on behalf of Charles Felix Lindberg Donationsfonds is created, you get the feeling he had been created for the old building, located behind during the construction period of the house. On the other hand, fits the artwork Sjösäkerhet also to the surrounding buildings.

The 90 cm-high fence was created by the artist Lillemor Petersson, which specializes in principle on ceramics, but also creates sculptures in state order. Lillemor Petersson was born in Gothenburg, where she grew up and the School of Design and Visual Arts and the School of Art Valand visited. DiSjösäkerhete artist who now lives in Bohuslän is exhibited in numerous museums in Sweden.

Copyright Text and photo: Herbert Karlin

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Monicaroccaforte Full Movies

Hausdekoration an der Marklandsgatan in Gothenburg

The narrow frontage on the corner Marklandsgatan / Tunnlandsgatan to have the side of the roundabout with a modern, colorful wall decoration, where you can see at a glance only mathematical figures. As soon as you get closer, you discover that the central element consists of a cement composition of many fruits and thus to the allotment recalls, who was here earlier.

These allotments should also remember the two sculptures in the front yard, for the brick gate symbolizes the entrance to the former gardens and sculpture in addition to the decorations on the former pillars, which limited the allotments.

when adjusted for the architecture work was created by Hasse and Mia Ekdahl Frankedal in 1999. Frankedal Mia was born in 1957 in Gothenburg, and studied at the College of Design and Crafts. She works primarily in works of art that are adapted in an architectural environment. Hasse Ekdahl is more known as a painter and studied and at the HDK School of Art Valand in Gothenburg, and the National Academy of Beaux Arts in Paris. His works establish the rule of nature and the environment.

Copyright Text and photo: Herbert Karlin

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Build Miniature Engine Kits

Versprechen eingelöst... ich bin dabei (MX)

Yes Baby ... I'm in!

While it is totally unreasonable, but I have fulfilled my long desired dream of motocross riding and bought a blue and white baby. After the first exit on the MX-Ctrecke in Manchester I have to say ... right decision! Very horny ride, even if it is extremely strenuous and technically demanding!

else ...? Everything fit with you?

angekändigt Like last time, I had a very horny paddling season opener in Corsica . The island is a perfect dream, the streams demanding but very fair. We had a really good team and could go so relax and enjoy the day while paddling on good level.
Thanks guys, it was beautiful!
Ah yes, pictures are as always right to see the gallery. What else was
for highlights ... of course the traditional ride to the 1st of May in Würzburg and Lord's day boat tour in Brandenburg. In addition there is pictures soon ...
Both trips have become an old tradition and are always great!
guys, I'm happy every time we do it still after all these years, all those trips to come together!

should be so that's already been back shortly ... we'll see ... Watch Yourself and have fun!

Big greetings from Ingolstadt ... January

Expert Choice 11.5 Indir

Growing von Ida Isaksson Sillén an der Bankogatan into Gothenburg

The park, located kyrkan behind the houses opposite the Högsbo , is a multi-part sculpture looks in concrete and bronze, which has called the artist Växande, so its increase, and two children is with a dove on one of the surrounding benches.

As the boy, with a book in hand, sitting on the floor and leans against a kind of high table and is observed by a dove, the girl stands on her toes and writes her thoughts in a diary. She is still too small to write comfortably in this position can, thus, the term is Växande expressed very clearly, because it has to grow another 10 cm to that position to feel as comfortable. As in the houses that surround the sculpture, especially elderly people live, has a group of sculptures for the people almost like a refreshing, inspiring memories.

Ida Isaksson Sillén studied at the College of Design and crafts as well as at art school in Gothenburg Valand sculpture, painting, graphics and photography. The Alingsås artist Ida Isaksson Sillén interested in their works, especially for movement and life. In Gothenburg you can also find their work Accelleration in Vasaparken and their Hästhuvudet , the horse's head.

Copyright Text and photo: Herbert Karlin

Monday, May 24, 2010

How To Make A Microwave Cake In Kenstar

GO WINDSURFING von Bert Lengstrand an der Högsbo street in Gothenburg

directly behind the Högsbo Kyrka you discover something hidden behind trees and bushes a work that has called the artist Brädseglare, ie wind surfers. It may be surprising at this point to find a surfer, because there is no water nearby, but on the other hand, the teacher could never even windsurfing.

The surfer or Brädseglare stands elegantly in copper on his board, even when so many critics have already said that the sailors could sail for his stance never fast. The first model of Brädseglare was in miniature, is produced by the artist for his son. In 1986 he created but then the wind surfers in its present form, then for an exhibition in the Trädgårdsföreningen placed, before being subsequently got its present place.

Lengstrand Bertil was born in 1928 and attended the Hovedskous Målarskolan (now College of Design and Crafts) and the School of Art Valand in Gothenburg. Bertil Lengstrand lives on the southern island archipelago Brännö and continues to create works of art. The Brädseglare he created on behalf of Familjebostäder.

Copyright Text and photo: Herbert in Karlin

Sunday, May 23, 2010

20 Frustration Card Game

Picnic von Barbara Häggdahl an der Acres street in Gothenburg

Under the trees at the Tunnlandsgatan Gothenburg you will find a work of concrete and bronze, the artist has called Picnic. The position is ideal for a picnic, as the high trees provide summer shade all the time, and yet this is only a work of art in addition to picnic on the unpacking is rarely someone once his bread.

In 2002, Barbara created here Häggdahl a high table of cement, on which they placed a jug, a cup, an apple and a paradise Secateur bronze. The compilation is more like a break during the field work as a picnic in the city, which also has its logic, there were found here in the last century still meadows and fields.

Häggdahl Barbara was born in 1951 in Borås, and studied at art school in Gothenburg Valand sculpture. For her work, she received several scholarships and awards. Barbara Häggdahl lives and works in Gothenburg, where she devotes much of her time training other artists.

Copyright Text and photo: Herbert Karlin

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Those With Big Tit Or Breast Do They Pump It

Cut doll von Leo Pettersson am Redbergsplats in Gothenburg

the center of the Redbergsplatsen in Gothenburg, next to the tracks of the tram is very impressive granite sculpture Klippdocka, clip doll. Although The artist said nothing about the real importance of the work, may be interpreted, however, that he sees the granite figure as a kind of puppet, as would give rise cliffs of granite.

To understand the name but you must know that in 1995 created Klippdockan originally stood on a cliff at Röda Sten and not in the midst of worldwide today. With the relocation of the sculpture Klippdockan their surroundings and the statement was made. The work was funded by Charles Felix Lindberg Donationsfond .

Leo Pettersson was born in 1953 in Gothenburg and visited Partille 1973 to 1978 the School of Art Valand. Although Leo Pettersson, who won several major grants and is a member of the Bolaget Vardagsbilder, was known primarily for his oversized sculptures, he also stands out as an excellent graphic artist. Leo Pettersson lives and works on the island Henån in the northern archipelago.

Copyright Text and photo: Herbert Karlin

Friday, May 21, 2010

Alicia Rhodes Doctor Who


The full contents of the CD on the subject of navicular syndrome or "navicular" is now fully available online. find it under .

In 14 chapters with about 350 X-ray and ultrasound images, images of other investigative procedures and the graphics on "Navicular" or better worked up the "navicular syndrome".

the CD or the website is also possible for the layman generally give an overall view of course the advanced topic of "Navicular". Certain sections - especially on the anesthesia - go very far into detail and are only intended for those who want to know exactly.

include Chapters:
  1. clinical symptoms
  2. anatomy
  3. causes
  4. functional mechanisms
  5. diagnosis
  6. anesthesia
  7. Radiographic Anatomy
  8. radiographic findings
  9. ultrasound
  10. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  11. scintigraphy
  12. Other diagnostic
  13. other diseases of the hoof
  14. treatment of navicular

The CD is also still available until further order of .

Monday, May 10, 2010

Low Cost Music Workstation Furniture

Man o Tree von Britt-Marie Jern am resting place in Gothenburg

the middle of the green space Viloplatsen on Härlandavägen in Gothenburg you will find a two-piece sculpture called "men o Trädet with. We see a naked man made of bronze, which looks at the Bronzegeäst a nearby tree sculpture, which has a base of granite.

Even if the tree has the sculpture's men o Trädet, the man and the tree, something abstract, with its square root, and the barren bronze branches, then the whole sculpture made for a park, which translates to "peace park" is, because the man is relaxed in the sun, enjoying the green environment. The sculpture was unveiled in 1991 at the site today and funded by the construction company as part of a cultural program.

Britt-Marie Jern was born in 1950 in Åmål and lives and works in Gothenburg. The artist, who also created Dan Andersson on Järntorget , visited the School of Design and Visual Arts and the School of Art Valand in Gothenburg. Britt-Marie Jern is complex work. It is not only known for her sculptures, but also for their paintings, their drawings, their graphics and its source images.

Copyright Text and photo: Herbert Karlin