Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Expert Choice 11.5 Indir

Growing von Ida Isaksson Sillén an der Bankogatan into Gothenburg

The park, located kyrkan behind the houses opposite the Högsbo , is a multi-part sculpture looks in concrete and bronze, which has called the artist Växande, so its increase, and two children is with a dove on one of the surrounding benches.

As the boy, with a book in hand, sitting on the floor and leans against a kind of high table and is observed by a dove, the girl stands on her toes and writes her thoughts in a diary. She is still too small to write comfortably in this position can, thus, the term is Växande expressed very clearly, because it has to grow another 10 cm to that position to feel as comfortable. As in the houses that surround the sculpture, especially elderly people live, has a group of sculptures for the people almost like a refreshing, inspiring memories.

Ida Isaksson Sillén studied at the College of Design and crafts as well as at art school in Gothenburg Valand sculpture, painting, graphics and photography. The Alingsås artist Ida Isaksson Sillén interested in their works, especially for movement and life. In Gothenburg you can also find their work Accelleration in Vasaparken and their Hästhuvudet , the horse's head.

Copyright Text and photo: Herbert Karlin


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