Thursday, December 4, 2008

Male Arousal 55 No Erection

training course for veterinarians On February 26, 2009 guiding the horse clinic Großostheim with support from Virbac Animal Arzneimittel GmbH fürTierärzte by a training event.

theme of the event:
mystery tendon healing - 1001 path to the goal

For more information:

An event for horse owners and riders, as we have in the past years have done, there will not be for this reason, in 2009, unfortunately.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Free Christmas Slogans For Business

Save fuel and save on vehicle safety

It is obvious that lighter vehicles to save gasoline or diesel favor . The vehicle weight is directly related to the fuel consumption. The heavier the vehicle, the more fuel it consumes. Recently I was asked about that heavy vehicles are safer and more stable. I have researched this matter, because heavy vehicles fuel economy and increase pollution.

In Focus magazine No. 29 of 1993 a broad-based analysis of accidents has been released. This section of the heavy SUV Nissan Patrol from the heaviest car in the safest. cut on the following sites as less serious types of vehicles safely. According to Focus accident report seems to be the weight only to a certain threshold in the statistics put down.

According to a report of the Swiss Energy Foundation, the 2006 can be a higher vehicle weight, the price of improvements in the areas of security, but it can also result from immature design principles and poor choice of materials to be. "The safety standard of vehicles hardly correlated with the vehicle weight: the very serious off-road vehicles in crash tests often show significantly poorer than current occupant safety midsize car or even small cars. In addition, the risk is other road users (motorists and especially pedestrians) in most cases much higher. "

In the press portal of Renault was praised 2007, the Laguna, which was constructed safe despite lighter weight and achieved regarding passive safety supposedly excellent test results. "The vehicle weight is one of the fundamental factors that affect a vehicle not only on driving pleasure, but also on the security, whether in the active region with a shorter stopping distance, or passively through the automatic reduction of impact energy."

The Research has shown that vehicles can be designed with current knowledge and technology that they can easily and secure. The security depends more on the design and processing of the vehicle as the weight. Extra weight can increase the security risk. With careful selection of the vehicle can drive safely with light vehicles and still save fuel . More tips to save fuel see on the website of Cleaner Globe

Liliane Waldner

Thursday, October 16, 2008

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fuel is still important! Continuously

Since the peak in oil prices last summer, the prices for a barrel of oil actually halved. A barrel or a barrel is 159 liters. Brent 38 cost an average of 137 in July 2008 And dollar is currently at $ 70. This does not mean that prices for gasoline or diesel at the gas pumps the official crude oil prices on the world market proportional follow the same extent.

What do the prices at the pumps? be

Until the oil to customers in the form of gasoline or diesel arrives at the gas stations, it must be transported, stored and refined. Depending on state laws and taxes on fuel are due. This significantly affects the pricing at the pumps.

In June 2008, one liter diesel in Germany € 1.490. This price is currently at € 1.243. The days are far behind, as the Diesel prices less than one euro a liter, respectively. This was in March 2005 with € 0.994 the case. The consumers should therefore be prepared in the coming months, similar to diesel prices as in 2006 or 2007 expected. At that time they were up € 1.05 to € 1.20. Even then complained many women drivers and drivers of their much higher fuel prices than at the beginning of the decade. With petrol

see the situation not much different. A liter of regular gasoline fell from June 2008 to current € 1.525 € 1.305. Here you need to look back to June 2002, at prices to be found under one € per liter.

gasoline and diesel continues to save necessary

It would be wrong to give all-clear and to reduce its cost-cutting efforts while driving and refueling. Petrol and diesel prices will not fall back to the level at the beginning of this decade. All signs indicate that oil becomes a scarce commodity. If the world economy recover after the shock in financial markets, the prices could go up again rapidly to the level of last summer.

If it is possible to reduce demand for gasoline or diesel fuel means saving efforts, this has a beneficial impact on prices. Decline in savings and a resulting increase in demand should raise prices again. Tips Gasoline or diesel save see on the website

Liliane Waldner
Cleaner Globe

Saturday, September 20, 2008

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chewable tablets for deworming

Once something about worming. The worm on the worming pastes in many horses not on enthusiasm meets and often more paste to the Clothes of the "worming" and ends up in the straw than in the horse's mouth, has been one of the manufacturers working to bring something delicious for the horses to the market. There are chewable tablets for deworming.

The act according to the manufacturer tasty tablets against roundworms, tapeworms and stomach Dasseln - thus have a broad spectrum of activity.

The dosage is simple: one tablet per 100 kg body weight. Many horses are to take the pills directly from your hand. In this case, it is recommended, possibly in addition to offer some treats and to administer the exchange with the pills. The drug can also feed on the moist Creches be crumbled. One tube contains eight chewable tablets and is thus sufficient for 800 kg horse weight.

the stability of the tablets after opening is 12 months. This means: Any leftover tablets can be used in the next worming. Moreover, it is possible to deworm an entire horse population economically, as the required total Entwurmermenge can be distributed exactly according horses weight.

Available late September 2008 - of course the vet you trust.

Friday, September 5, 2008

What Do Dialysis Technicians Make?

save money when filling up

The prices at the pump remain despite the ups and downs high. More and more money must be applied for gasoline and diesel. This strain on the pockets of ordinary consumers as the costs of running businesses enormously.

tips for cheaper refueling !

More and more people are affected by high fuel costs. So here's some practical advice:

The petrol and diesel prices differ from region to region. They depend to some extent by the Charges from. Such a fuel tourism created near the border. At small distances, it is worthwhile to go to a cheaper gas station across the border. Fuels in rural areas to obtain cheaper than in big cities. Almost in every big city there are some suburb in a gas station that offers gasoline cheaper than the others.

Sometimes the fuel for smaller, independent traders to the gas station to get cheaper than gasoline at the pump the well-known brands.

automobile associations offer membership cards or credit cards, with some cents or centimes can fill up cheaply.

Some Internet services make price comparisons. With their Help can be found where can still save a few cents.

discounts or collecting points while shopping at gas stations are often available from supermarket chains. At least you get there credited to the purchasing card points that can eventually be redeemed for discounts elsewhere.

Continuously save money when driving

It may not be that the possibilities for gasoline or diesel refueling save from the residential area or on the availability of discounts by customer or member card dependent. Cleaner Globe opened at its Web site concrete ways take money can be saved when refueling. A look at the site is worth it

Liliane Waldner
Cleaner Globe

Monday, August 18, 2008

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What can be done about high fuel prices? Practical tips for saving gasoline

"I'm annoyed when I go to fill up . This oil mafia pulls the money out of my pocket to put it in football players. This stinks to me enormously, and that goes for Mr Abramovich. This Mafia controls the world and manipulates the oil price. I leave that to not offer more. "With these words, the Bayern manager Uli Hoeness in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung quoted on Sunday. Mr. Hoeness can be used for Bayern appear to be less expensive to buy top players as the oligarch Roman Abramovich for his club Chelsea London.

Thus, our purchasing power

suffers from this problem for the economy is shown easily. Not only Mr. Hoeness loses against the oligarchs and oil sheikhs of purchasing power, there are whole economies like those of Germany, Switzerland or Austria to lose purchasing power. The fueled by high oil prices inflation eats away the reward of the work of the traditionally capable people in these countries.

The following figures give an idea of the huge shift of economic power. Germany consumes about 28 million tonnes Diesel and 22 million tons of gasoline per year, Austria approximately 6.2 million tons of diesel and 2 million tons of gasoline and Switzerland, some 2 million tonnes of diesel and 3.5 million tons of gasoline per year. Just think that the Germans are now paying more than 140 cents per liter diesel and this five years ago were still 88 cents, then shows the shift of purchasing power and economic power at the expense of local consumers. create

Remedur against high gasoline prices !

What can be done about high fuel prices? If the trend continues like this, highly efficient electric cars will hit the market. This is the future. Currently, many on the car for the need to work. Transporters to effect the supply of the economy in goods with their fleet. The millions of vehicles on the road are a fact.

is important that even with the operation of the existing vehicle fleet fuel and money can be saved. How much money could be saved here, if only as 6%, 8% or 10% of expenses for gasoline or diesel could be saved? This would require some way to work a little better and protect the family budget. Carriers could improve their profit margins somewhat, because the gas prices often make up one third of operating costs.

The key to fuel and save money today

There are a variety of tips and resources, which can be saved thanks to existing vehicles fuel and money. The technology is in the areas of fuels is not over. Nanotechnology offers potential savings, which were unthinkable a few years ago. Cleaner Globe shows can be saved as in the here and now while driving and refueling money. The website presents verifiable testimonials from professional consumers. See: save The key is the same distance with less money or even to go further, ie the energy efficiency of to improve vehicles. This helps not only the money, but is also good for the environment.

Liliane Waldner

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It's time, the high price of gasoline or diesel is a trick. This can be achieved in everyday life through practical measures:

It is many do not realize that gas-guzzlers installations and supports are on the car. So many cars are available all year long on the road with bikes on the roof, ski racks or containers for their sports equipment. All of this degrades the aerodynamic and eats up unnecessary fuel. Unless necessary, should be unscrewed these angular structures.

Lieb won for consumers to take driving a car fuel. We like to drive at untwisted music, in the winter to turn the seat heater, take pleasure in the cool summer air conditioning. Also, the fan consumes gasoline. All electrical equipment in cars are recharged by the gasoline engine. The power of light a day increases the security for the price of more fuel consumption .

extra, unnecessary weight that is carried in the car leads to more fuel consumption. The trunk should therefore be emptied of superfluous things. Alone 20 or 50 pounds more on board cause a significant increase in fuel consumption.

Some supermarket chains conduct their own gas station chains. Some of these supermarket chains own gas station credit for your customer card so that you can gather there for refueling points such as the purchase of other consumer goods. How to obtain it elsewhere for costly refueling at least minor concessions.

If you fill up regular gasoline instead of premium gasoline or super plus, this is cheaper. By the way, makes it unique, nanotechnology fuel additive Less produced it possible to run with unleaded 95th No matter what is being fueled: With Less in the fuel mixture the car is going further than without. Find out more about the test report and reported the site

Liliane Waldner are

Sneezing Yellow Mucus

with self-help against the high fuel prices

Oil Prices within a short time has grown significantly. This is also reflected in the high fuel prices. Although the situation has eased somewhat in recent weeks, prices remain at a significantly higher level than even a few years. Consumers in the Western world be plucked like chickens.

example, consumers are Plucked!

"Behind the high energy prices lies not only the" invisible hand "of the market, but also the hand of the autocrat," the German strategy consultant and lecturer Peter Robejsek in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung of 14 August 2008. He also said: "The high energy prices exert on Western companies from a concert destructive pressure. With the help of the high prices steal the energy supplier to western prosperity, strangling its economy and thereby jeopardize its political stability. "

appears to act!

other hand, we can only help by the efficiency is improved with the use of petroleum products. While in buildings recognized today thanks to passive energy buildings, the technology exists and wide to buildings to operate without fossil fuels, the transport sector is lagging far back. Enhanced efforts are needed to make the market less dependent on fossil fuels.

The Role of Cleaner Globe

Cleaner Globe sells the first to nanotechnology-based fuel additive produced the world called Less. The nanotechnology-produced fuel additive is produced on behalf of Cleaner Globe H2Oil by the company in Silicon Valley. Less was tough field testing by the State Institute The Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research. Transport companies have since been saved successfully to over 100 million kilometers with Less fuel and money. The website
will save information about the product as well as general tips on gasoline or diesel provides.

blog as a platform for fuel-saving tips

This blog not only provides information about the fuel amplifier Less, but also about other ways to save fuel in transport and mobility. It is open to Suggestions of others. diesel or petrol save means save money and preserve the purchasing power of the national economy.

This blog is operated by Liliane Waldner. She was for 17 years a member of the Cantonal Council of Zurich for four years and member of the power stations of the canton of Zurich.

Friday, June 13, 2008

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New cause of cough illness

Likewise, and research in the U.S. there is a new cause of lung disease to give the horse. It is is a previously underestimated herpes virus. According to current nomenclature, it is considered Equine Herpes Virus -5 (EHV-5) and is actually known for some time. It has been underestimated in its potential malignancy and been associated with corneal diseases of the eye. The progression of the disease can the results of researchers from the Michigan State University be worse than RAO or the symptoms of steamy according . Basically, the clinical symptoms are comparable, but the disease progresses the period ahead, the possibilities for treatment are problematic and the prognosis based on the present state of things poorly. The disease is caused by EHV -5, is known in English as " equine multinodular pulmonary fibrosis. The disease was previously known, the connection to EHV is -5 but new. EHV -5 is primarily in young horses in Germany and Switzerland have been detected, usually harmless, but in conjunction with infections of the upper respiratory tract. EHV-5 and EHV-2 pathogens are detected in many horses with no symptoms of disease in the tear fluid of the eye. In the blood is found in up to 93% of the horses antibodies against these herpes viruses. Despite everything, excitement is not appropriate as the number of cases of serious disease might not be particularly large.

More on cough and respiratory diseases in horses in the section on EquiVetInfo cough illnesses.

Monday, May 5, 2008

How To Cook The Perfect Silverside

spring = Hufrehesaison?

accumulate In general, the cases of laminitis in the spring. On this occasion, a summary of current approaches to the development of laminitis. The start of the grazing season is critical but not for a few horses but there are other causes of laminitis. The following is a brief summary. A detailed description of the relationships in of laminitis can be found in the appropriate area EquiVetInfo laminitis.

regard to the theories about the causes of laminitis has changed a lot in recent years.

The causes of laminitis can be divided into three groups :

  • acute "poisoning" by
    • carbohydrates
    • sepsis (blood poisoning)
      • infections ( eg placenta)
      • intestinal inflammation, Colic
    • Various toxins
  • metabolic diseases
    • insulin resistance
      • metabolic syndrome horse
      • Cushing syndrome of the horse
  • Mechanical shutter
    • Belastungsrehe

The main trigger for laminitis are metabolic disorders and acute, "poisoning". With the word "poison" must be handled in this context, some caution because they are not poisoning, as they commonly imagine. The poisoning is based on the passage of bacterial components in the systemic circulation, causing in that a cascade of harmful reactions that can result in the destruction of the proximal lamellar junction and laminitis.

plays Contrary to popular conventional presumption of protein for laminitis no role. "Protein poisoning" is not a classic trigger for laminitis. We now know that not the protein, but certain carbohydrates (sugar, starch and fructan) in the lining of the horses are the triggers for laminitis. If a horse on the Pasture or after the looting of the feed wagon gets an acute laminitis, is not the protein, but carbohydrates are the recorded fault.

In acute "poisoning" it depends mostly on the running dramatic acute, severe foundered. It is here that the founder, how they imagine the usual way and ends usually with a coffin bone rotation .

are at the metabolic disorders associated with insulin resistance, in the foreground. In response to insulin resistance to insulin, the body no longer normal and derailed the sugar metabolism of the body. This leaves the blood sugar level permanently high, which is for the body and especially the vessels very harmful. About complex mechanisms not yet fully understood, it is to damage the proximal lamellar junction.

There are two reasons for equine insulin resistance.

  1. Metabolic Syndrome of the horse (EMS)
  2. Cushing syndrome of the horse (ECS)

metabolic syndrome in horses - EMS

the Metabolic Syndrome the horse or the equine metabolic syndrome (EMS) If it is a disease of energy and sugar metabolism with insulin resistance. The affected horses are invariably over-fat. In the heart of the disease standing "organ" is a special fat. This fatty tissue is contrary to previous idea not a passive storage tissue but a very active endocrine gland. The fat produced by neurotransmitters or hormones are responsible for the insidious damage of the proximal lamellar junction, leading to laminitis.

lack of exercise and overeating are the main reasons for the formation of abnormal fat deposits and the formation of the EMS.

horse with severe obesity and EMS

EMS is in its early stages does not (or hardly) visible. The laminitis, caused by EMS runs a chronic insidious and inconspicuous. Many of the horses show more of a Hufbeinsenkung than a coffin bone rotation. The major thrust with acute lameness and typical Rehesymptomen is only the beginning of the disease at once. For horse owners the laminitis is then often for no apparent reason out of the blue.

If EMS is the horse, developed a vicious cycle that is almost impossible to break. The disease itself is replaced

vicious cycle of metabolic diseases with insulin resistance

only adequate with adjusted movement can stop feeding the vicious circle. Because of laminitis, but this is not possible in most horses, so the prognosis is very bad for these horses long term.

Cushing's syndrome in horses - ECS

Under the Cushing syndrome of the horse or the Cushing syndrome (ECS) defined as a disease of the pituitary gland, which is associated with certain hormonal disorders . The cause of ECS, in contrast to Cushing man no tumor the pituitary gland, but an age-related malfunction. The body's own cortisol levels is not necessarily an increase in the horse, he can be. A malfunction of the pituitary gland develops in a great many horses from the age of about 18 years. The impact is not all horses can be seen clearly.

The most common symptoms of Cushing's in horses are:

  • Long "winter coat" in the summer
  • Light sweating
  • exercise intolerance - lethargy
  • Poor muscling
  • infertility
  • Poor wound healing
  • Weakened Immune system
  • High water intake and urine production
  • laminitis - frequent Hufgeschwüre
  • insulin resistance
  • fat distribution as EMS

These symptoms are merely possible, they must appear not. Many horses with ECS are rather thin, but still they have the abnormal fat deposits.

The emergence of ECS is favored by many years of fatty degeneration of the horses or can develop as terminal illness to EMS.

Because of obesity and abnormal Fettpolter see both diseases outwardly similar, in some horses.

EMS - Metabolic syndrome

  • civilization disease
  • overfeeding
  • Even at a young age
  • normal hair dress

ECS - Cushing

  • age disease
  • obesity without overeating
  • Usually only in old horses
  • lasting "winter coat"

Typical older horse with a long coat and bad conformation.

The Metabolic Syndrome of the horse (EMS) usually occurs between the ages of 8 to about 18 years, Cushing syndrome, the horse (ECS) only after roughly 18 years.

In both conditions can be treacherous as the beginning or not is very difficult to detect. The onset of both diseases is insidious and not apparent.

Because there is the problem of insulin resistance is understandable that horses with ECS also prone to laminitis. The connections are exactly as described in EMS.

horses with EMS or ECS are compared with the classical Hufreheauslösern more vulnerable than healthy horses. A normal diet change, "stressed" Grass with high fructan content on frosty days, or even the inclusion of larger amounts of normal grass immediately leads to deterioration or an acute episode of laminitis.


fructan is a carbohydrate in pasture grass or hay. Because fructan is bad for the horse to digest, it can result in significant disruption of the bacterial flora in the gut. This disruption of the bacterial flora in turn causes poisoning, which can end in the laminitis.

The concentration of fructan in grass depends on various factors. Apart from the different types of grass the weather plays the biggest role.

Not only the fructan content, but the absolute intake of grass with generally high energy content, can trigger a deer. This is similar in impact than if a horse uncontrolled looting the food cart! Because the grass is not always dangerous, you can try by appropriately managing the risk of horses to the critical periods and pasture conditions to protect. The Rehegefahr by fructan is general over the whole year, but it will vary according to the weather and time of day.


  • Generally you must be in horses with pre-existing conditions (EMS, ECS, laminitis) special care
  • One should avoid any drastic changes in diet.
  • Whenever grass is stressed, is increased caution or is grazing ban
    • case of strong short-term climate changes with impact on the grass (especially in spring and autumn), the risk increases significantly
    • In days of frost or temperatures just above freezing point ( to 5 °), the grass is dangerous
    • the afternoon and evening on a cold, dry sunny day it can be critical to
    • overgrazed or freshly mown pasture, the grass is also stressed
    • drought or lack of fertilizer are stressors for grass

· grass that begins to bloom, although a delicacy is dangerous and should be vulnerable horses are shunned

  • principle one should risk horses (if all other factors are taken into account!) tend to times of day on the pasture send
    • which photosynthesis is reduced (in the dark / cloudy) and
    • plant growth is favored (high heat and humidity).
  • In certain weather conditions, it may therefore be useful horse late at night or very early in the morning to send out to the pasture and in the morning when the sun is increasing, to get from the paddock.
A more detailed description of the problems associated with the fructans will see EquiVetInfo in the relevant section

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

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Have you ever looked into the joint?

The video shows an arthroscopy of the ankle joint with a chip removed.

Here is the excerpt of the radiograph to do so.

to see more you can find at

Steven Strait Danielle Panabaker

Rollkur - hyperflexion

After the German Judges Association and hence for some time against the FN or Rollkur added. hyperflexion as an acceptable method of riding and training expressed, was established in April 2008, a corresponding statement by the International Equestrian Federation (FEI).

is the text of the press release:

"The Veterinary Committee has stated that while no clinically detectable side effects with the hyperflexion can be linked, but there are serious concerns regarding the welfare of the horse, if this "technique" is not applied correctly. The FEI condemns hyperflexion in any equestrian sports discipline as an example of mental abuse. The FEI stressed that they do not support this training method. "

Although it is still referenced in the statement that there is no evidence of damage due to this Riding, I log out of my clinical experience here in doubt. Not without reason, the not insignificant restriction is made that damage occurs not only likely if the technology is applied correctly. But just because there is a big problem.

exercise physiologists need to classify the hyperflexion of the cervical spine (Rollkur) I think just as extreme movements and contortions of artists. Man goes to the limits of the natural mobility of the joints. The anatomy allows such principles going to the limits of movement - but that is only healthy if you point out very carefully trained. With violence there is already especially not if you want to prevent damage.

I look at the cases of Rittigkeitsproblemen that I presented for medical examination, I present determined that there is an increasing number of patients who have problems in the "neck" or in the area of insertion of the nuchal ligament on the skull and the muscles in this region. While it was mostly just "back problems" so there are now almost as many "neck problems." I leave these horses I ride on ahead then, these are almost invariably well below the vertical. At some stage the Pfrede then make "voluntary" in this attitude, because there will obviously less painful. Only very skilled riders are able to ride these horses then in the correct position.

Regarding radiographic changes in the source area of the neck band has to be careful, because they can also occur naturally without any problems. The changes are, however, arise due to incorrect posture and incorrect riding as a therapeutic problem.

anatomy of the neck region: 1 occipital, 2, first cervical vertebra, 3, second cervical vertebra, 4 taping

The X-ray image shows a typical bone growth on the occipital bone in the region where the neck strap attaches

What is underestimated by the vast majority of riders are the forces that can be practiced with the reins on his neck. Since the teeth are not so attached to their ears, but in its mouth is, the rider gets a powerful lever in the hand. The leverage effect can use the riding hand on the occipital bone forces are generated to 1000Kg.

is leveraging the bridle on his neck

prerequisite for a correct analogy suppleness. An awkward posture is incompatible with suppleness and thus not following. Hyperflexion means a strain on the neck vertebrae, causing a surge of the back, which explains why so many actions of the horses. There are a wide variety of negative consequences if the horse is not allowed to use his neck as a balance. As the scale of training gradually to the respective lower levels building, there can be no looseness and based also no real momentum and not a correct assembly. In addition, there is the hyperflexion a police handle the same, against which the horse can hardly defend. Last but not least, it is not just aesthetic.

Heuschmann Gerd's book, finger in the wound in which this matter is not neglected, by the way the U.S. has become a hit. There is the book under the title: Tug of War: Classical Versus "Modern" Dressage: Why Classical Training Works and How Incorrect Riding Negatively Affects Horses' Health released and is currently No1 in the books tab.

The YouTube video that does not come from me shows very nice, the problem of hyperflexion or Rollkur.

provided in the attitude of the FEI hyperflexion of the cervical spine to be condemned as unacceptable from a veterinary point of view to be welcomed.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

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new influenza strains in Europe

Why vaccination is important for influenza:

The example of the situation in Australia, which previously was free of influenza and the influenza wave is pulled away, shows how important is preventive. The horses were not protected, there was not immunized against influenza in Australia. As the infection wave was over, it was observed somewhat dismayed that there is a death rate of at least 5% for the affected horses were.

the end of last year in England are increasingly encountered cases of influenza in horses. It also strains were isolated which were previously unknown in Europe, but found only in the U.S. and Japan. Our horses are only protected against these strains, when combined with the conventional vaccines are inoculated with us. These vaccines are designed to protect against same with us non-native strains.

vaccination is not an end in itself or "annoying" condition for participation in the tournament but values, protects life and health of our horses. More on Influenza under

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

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Genetic defect in PSSM informed

American researchers have succeeded in the genetic defect in PSSM, a specific form of the cross crate to educate a significant step further. PSSM is a glycogen storage disease of muscle cells. Like now, it was found the gene for the enzyme "glycogen synthase" in affected horses is mutated in a way that the enzyme is more active than normal. The gene defect is dominantly inherited. This means that horses are more prone even with a copy of the mutated gene for storage myopathy and pass on the disease with 50% probability. If a horse from both parents a defective gene inherited, there is a defect with 100% probability further. On a genetic test to identify carriers of the mutated gene is in progress. This is of major importance for breeding, as all horses do not get with a mutated gene also Kreuzverschläge, but inherit the disease further.

Further information on storage myopathy in EquiVetInfo

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

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immunization and vaccination at tournaments

at 1 January 2008, there is a change of LPO. All of horse events connected (PLS) participating horses need proper vaccination against influenza virus infection .

vaccinations are carried out as follows, and in the passport by a veterinarian (not the owner of the horse is) to document:

    The primary vaccination consists of 3 injections. The first two shots must be made at intervals of 42 to 70 days, the third dose at 6 months after the second.

    more boosters must be made every 6 months after the previous one.

Participation in a PLS is possible if:

    first takes place at primary immunization, the first two shots, and after the second vaccination of the primary vaccination 14 days have passed.

    second passed away at 7 days after revaccination the last vaccination and revaccination is made at a distance of up to a maximum of 7 months +21 days.

So much for the compulsory vaccination. The vaccination against influenza is not enough to show horses to be suitably protected. The protection against tetanus is essential to advise the protection against herpes urgent. The need for vaccination against rabies depends on the rearing conditions and the local disease situation.

For more information on vaccination against influenza, herpes, tetanus and rabies are found in preventive care . There is also a Impftabelle .

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osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and ataxia

radiographs of a horse with ataxia (movement disorder), in which case the rear. The ataxia is here because of a fault of the vertebral joint training between the 3rd and 4 Cervical vertebrae caused.

The joint surfaces (yellow) are not round but flattened, so the 4th Cervical vertebrae can slide up and into the spinal canal (dotted blue) presses (shaded red). The pressure on the spinal cord and the pinch caused the movement disorder. The disease falls within the definition of osteochondrosis and is a growth disorder. The growth plates are clearly visible on the radiograph before each of the joint surface as columns.

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time of deworming:

When to deworm and what to what?

The strategically-considered use of different drugs over time is important because the drugs act differently because of the seasonal cycles of the various development-related pathogens. In general, the Verwurmung in the summer especially, as the larvae here can outperform.

number of infectious larval forms (palisade worms) in a grass pasture without deworming of horses. Clearly visible is the massive increase in Verwurmung in the summer.

be very effective in the following procedure has proved successful:

    April / May:

    treated against roundworms (ivermectin / moxidectin and pyrantel)

    June / July:

    treated against roundworms, tapeworms + (ivermectin / moxidectin or pyrantel each with praziquantel)

    August / September:

    treated against roundworms (ivermectin / moxidectin and pyrantel)

    October / November:

    treated against roundworms + Tapeworms + stomach Dasseln (ivermectin / moxidectin with praziquantel)

    may be possible in January, another deworming be useful (ivermectin / moxidectin) .

    foals and young horses must be much more common are wormed:

    • First treatment: 1 - 3 weeks after birth
    • end first grazing summer: every 2 - 8 weeks
    • By the end of second year of life: every 6 - 8 weeks
    • Up end of third year of life: every 8 weeks
    • Then: as adult horses

Warning: deviations up and down depending on the hygiene possible. Ask your veterinarian !

mares should, given the dwarf nematodes, in the udder and are transferred with the milk (galaktogen), not in the last month are dewormed before birth, because it leads to increased excretion. Recommended, therefore, up to 6 weeks is taken before the birth of worming and in any case immediately after birth.

Because of the brand name, ask your veterinarian. The passing away Pharamhersteller market the respective products under different names.

More on this topic on EquiVetInfo

Sunday, February 10, 2008

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Awarded the Golden Medal at Ernst Woller

With 22 years chairman of the Socialist Youth Vienna and once the youngest candidate for the Viennese state parliament and municipal council, Ernst Woller counts with 53 years remains the most active politicians in the federal capital. For his innovative district and state policy in the past 32 years he was on 6 February 2008, the "Golden Medal for Services to the City of Vienna" award.

The Member of Parliament and Ernst Woller studied computer science and computer engineering at the Technical University of Vienna, and political science and education at the University of Vienna. Already at the age of thirteen he was a member of the Socialist Youth in Vienna highway, and at age 22 Chairman of the Socialist Youth Vienna. In the Viennese state parliament and municipal council Woller was first elected in 1988, succeeding Kurt Steyn.

Ernst Woller, district chief Erich Hohenberger

In the years 1991 to 1993 he was a member of the Federation Council and then moved again into the city council, which he is a Member of Parliament and since 1993 without interruption.

As chairman of the Municipal Committee of Science and Culture as well as a committee member for finance, economic policy and Wiener Stadtwerke and Deputy Chairman of the Vienna European Commission is committed Ernst Woller especially for the primacy of Vienna as an international cultural metropolis. His innovation is leading the Vienna mandatary in his district Vienna-country road - unbroken for 30 years.

Ernst Woller, Hans Sevcik, executive chairman of the SPÖ

From 1978 to 1988 wool member of the District Council road and has been for 30 years, section chairman. "Working in the section still makes joy, and I am always important to offer attractive political and cultural programs," said Woller. And as the full-blooded politician holds for all the Tasks fit?

"Since the 80s, I walk regularly in the Prater (the previous eight marathons) and a few years ago, the enthusiasm added for dancing, a nice complement to other hobbies like reading, traveling, art and culture," said Member of Parliament and Municipal Ernst Woller.

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