Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Does Herpes Appear On Arm

time of deworming:

When to deworm and what to what?

The strategically-considered use of different drugs over time is important because the drugs act differently because of the seasonal cycles of the various development-related pathogens. In general, the Verwurmung in the summer especially, as the larvae here can outperform.

number of infectious larval forms (palisade worms) in a grass pasture without deworming of horses. Clearly visible is the massive increase in Verwurmung in the summer.

be very effective in the following procedure has proved successful:

    April / May:

    treated against roundworms (ivermectin / moxidectin and pyrantel)

    June / July:

    treated against roundworms, tapeworms + (ivermectin / moxidectin or pyrantel each with praziquantel)

    August / September:

    treated against roundworms (ivermectin / moxidectin and pyrantel)

    October / November:

    treated against roundworms + Tapeworms + stomach Dasseln (ivermectin / moxidectin with praziquantel)

    may be possible in January, another deworming be useful (ivermectin / moxidectin) .

    foals and young horses must be much more common are wormed:

    • First treatment: 1 - 3 weeks after birth
    • end first grazing summer: every 2 - 8 weeks
    • By the end of second year of life: every 6 - 8 weeks
    • Up end of third year of life: every 8 weeks
    • Then: as adult horses

Warning: deviations up and down depending on the hygiene possible. Ask your veterinarian !

mares should, given the dwarf nematodes, in the udder and are transferred with the milk (galaktogen), not in the last month are dewormed before birth, because it leads to increased excretion. Recommended, therefore, up to 6 weeks is taken before the birth of worming and in any case immediately after birth.

Because of the brand name, ask your veterinarian. The passing away Pharamhersteller market the respective products under different names.

More on this topic on EquiVetInfo


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