Wednesday, April 30, 2008

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Have you ever looked into the joint?

The video shows an arthroscopy of the ankle joint with a chip removed.

Here is the excerpt of the radiograph to do so.

to see more you can find at

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Rollkur - hyperflexion

After the German Judges Association and hence for some time against the FN or Rollkur added. hyperflexion as an acceptable method of riding and training expressed, was established in April 2008, a corresponding statement by the International Equestrian Federation (FEI).

is the text of the press release:

"The Veterinary Committee has stated that while no clinically detectable side effects with the hyperflexion can be linked, but there are serious concerns regarding the welfare of the horse, if this "technique" is not applied correctly. The FEI condemns hyperflexion in any equestrian sports discipline as an example of mental abuse. The FEI stressed that they do not support this training method. "

Although it is still referenced in the statement that there is no evidence of damage due to this Riding, I log out of my clinical experience here in doubt. Not without reason, the not insignificant restriction is made that damage occurs not only likely if the technology is applied correctly. But just because there is a big problem.

exercise physiologists need to classify the hyperflexion of the cervical spine (Rollkur) I think just as extreme movements and contortions of artists. Man goes to the limits of the natural mobility of the joints. The anatomy allows such principles going to the limits of movement - but that is only healthy if you point out very carefully trained. With violence there is already especially not if you want to prevent damage.

I look at the cases of Rittigkeitsproblemen that I presented for medical examination, I present determined that there is an increasing number of patients who have problems in the "neck" or in the area of insertion of the nuchal ligament on the skull and the muscles in this region. While it was mostly just "back problems" so there are now almost as many "neck problems." I leave these horses I ride on ahead then, these are almost invariably well below the vertical. At some stage the Pfrede then make "voluntary" in this attitude, because there will obviously less painful. Only very skilled riders are able to ride these horses then in the correct position.

Regarding radiographic changes in the source area of the neck band has to be careful, because they can also occur naturally without any problems. The changes are, however, arise due to incorrect posture and incorrect riding as a therapeutic problem.

anatomy of the neck region: 1 occipital, 2, first cervical vertebra, 3, second cervical vertebra, 4 taping

The X-ray image shows a typical bone growth on the occipital bone in the region where the neck strap attaches

What is underestimated by the vast majority of riders are the forces that can be practiced with the reins on his neck. Since the teeth are not so attached to their ears, but in its mouth is, the rider gets a powerful lever in the hand. The leverage effect can use the riding hand on the occipital bone forces are generated to 1000Kg.

is leveraging the bridle on his neck

prerequisite for a correct analogy suppleness. An awkward posture is incompatible with suppleness and thus not following. Hyperflexion means a strain on the neck vertebrae, causing a surge of the back, which explains why so many actions of the horses. There are a wide variety of negative consequences if the horse is not allowed to use his neck as a balance. As the scale of training gradually to the respective lower levels building, there can be no looseness and based also no real momentum and not a correct assembly. In addition, there is the hyperflexion a police handle the same, against which the horse can hardly defend. Last but not least, it is not just aesthetic.

Heuschmann Gerd's book, finger in the wound in which this matter is not neglected, by the way the U.S. has become a hit. There is the book under the title: Tug of War: Classical Versus "Modern" Dressage: Why Classical Training Works and How Incorrect Riding Negatively Affects Horses' Health released and is currently No1 in the books tab.

The YouTube video that does not come from me shows very nice, the problem of hyperflexion or Rollkur.

provided in the attitude of the FEI hyperflexion of the cervical spine to be condemned as unacceptable from a veterinary point of view to be welcomed.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

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new influenza strains in Europe

Why vaccination is important for influenza:

The example of the situation in Australia, which previously was free of influenza and the influenza wave is pulled away, shows how important is preventive. The horses were not protected, there was not immunized against influenza in Australia. As the infection wave was over, it was observed somewhat dismayed that there is a death rate of at least 5% for the affected horses were.

the end of last year in England are increasingly encountered cases of influenza in horses. It also strains were isolated which were previously unknown in Europe, but found only in the U.S. and Japan. Our horses are only protected against these strains, when combined with the conventional vaccines are inoculated with us. These vaccines are designed to protect against same with us non-native strains.

vaccination is not an end in itself or "annoying" condition for participation in the tournament but values, protects life and health of our horses. More on Influenza under

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

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Genetic defect in PSSM informed

American researchers have succeeded in the genetic defect in PSSM, a specific form of the cross crate to educate a significant step further. PSSM is a glycogen storage disease of muscle cells. Like now, it was found the gene for the enzyme "glycogen synthase" in affected horses is mutated in a way that the enzyme is more active than normal. The gene defect is dominantly inherited. This means that horses are more prone even with a copy of the mutated gene for storage myopathy and pass on the disease with 50% probability. If a horse from both parents a defective gene inherited, there is a defect with 100% probability further. On a genetic test to identify carriers of the mutated gene is in progress. This is of major importance for breeding, as all horses do not get with a mutated gene also Kreuzverschläge, but inherit the disease further.

Further information on storage myopathy in EquiVetInfo

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

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immunization and vaccination at tournaments

at 1 January 2008, there is a change of LPO. All of horse events connected (PLS) participating horses need proper vaccination against influenza virus infection .

vaccinations are carried out as follows, and in the passport by a veterinarian (not the owner of the horse is) to document:

    The primary vaccination consists of 3 injections. The first two shots must be made at intervals of 42 to 70 days, the third dose at 6 months after the second.

    more boosters must be made every 6 months after the previous one.

Participation in a PLS is possible if:

    first takes place at primary immunization, the first two shots, and after the second vaccination of the primary vaccination 14 days have passed.

    second passed away at 7 days after revaccination the last vaccination and revaccination is made at a distance of up to a maximum of 7 months +21 days.

So much for the compulsory vaccination. The vaccination against influenza is not enough to show horses to be suitably protected. The protection against tetanus is essential to advise the protection against herpes urgent. The need for vaccination against rabies depends on the rearing conditions and the local disease situation.

For more information on vaccination against influenza, herpes, tetanus and rabies are found in preventive care . There is also a Impftabelle .

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osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and ataxia

radiographs of a horse with ataxia (movement disorder), in which case the rear. The ataxia is here because of a fault of the vertebral joint training between the 3rd and 4 Cervical vertebrae caused.

The joint surfaces (yellow) are not round but flattened, so the 4th Cervical vertebrae can slide up and into the spinal canal (dotted blue) presses (shaded red). The pressure on the spinal cord and the pinch caused the movement disorder. The disease falls within the definition of osteochondrosis and is a growth disorder. The growth plates are clearly visible on the radiograph before each of the joint surface as columns.

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time of deworming:

When to deworm and what to what?

The strategically-considered use of different drugs over time is important because the drugs act differently because of the seasonal cycles of the various development-related pathogens. In general, the Verwurmung in the summer especially, as the larvae here can outperform.

number of infectious larval forms (palisade worms) in a grass pasture without deworming of horses. Clearly visible is the massive increase in Verwurmung in the summer.

be very effective in the following procedure has proved successful:

    April / May:

    treated against roundworms (ivermectin / moxidectin and pyrantel)

    June / July:

    treated against roundworms, tapeworms + (ivermectin / moxidectin or pyrantel each with praziquantel)

    August / September:

    treated against roundworms (ivermectin / moxidectin and pyrantel)

    October / November:

    treated against roundworms + Tapeworms + stomach Dasseln (ivermectin / moxidectin with praziquantel)

    may be possible in January, another deworming be useful (ivermectin / moxidectin) .

    foals and young horses must be much more common are wormed:

    • First treatment: 1 - 3 weeks after birth
    • end first grazing summer: every 2 - 8 weeks
    • By the end of second year of life: every 6 - 8 weeks
    • Up end of third year of life: every 8 weeks
    • Then: as adult horses

Warning: deviations up and down depending on the hygiene possible. Ask your veterinarian !

mares should, given the dwarf nematodes, in the udder and are transferred with the milk (galaktogen), not in the last month are dewormed before birth, because it leads to increased excretion. Recommended, therefore, up to 6 weeks is taken before the birth of worming and in any case immediately after birth.

Because of the brand name, ask your veterinarian. The passing away Pharamhersteller market the respective products under different names.

More on this topic on EquiVetInfo