Thursday, January 22, 2009

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Megis, the flying shell

Gisela Ermel

pre-astronauts marks on birch bark rolls of the Ojibwa Indians

In: Legendary Times, No. 2 Beatenberg 2003

were used in its non-literate culture of the Ojibwa Indians for a long time with symbols illustrated scrolls as a reminder to their myths down from generation to generation pass. These roles also seem from the perspective of the Paleo-SETI research interesting aspects to include.

traditions, myths and religious beliefs were passed down from our ancestors in various ways: orally, in writing, by buildings, a sculpture or relief - but also in series of images, perhaps comparable to our modern comic books or religious images cycles (such as the Stations of the Cross). Such Überlieferungsart also used the Ojibwa Indians in the area known as the Lake District in Canada. Their visual recordings, they fixed on birch bark rolls.

The flight of shell

In a number of museums such roles stored, but usually not the originals, but by the Ojibwa carefully copies made because the material is not too durable. The birch bark scrolls were passed on to reliable "guardian" from generation to generation. Threatened to break down the birch bark, it was the role of these selected men and they are to be transferred to new roles. Later came a number of reports of such images to interested ethnologists, researchers, and Indians in the possession of several museums.

James Red Sky, which differs kept some birch bark rolls his tribe

After the content and the motives to include "creation roles," "Manito Assembly roles" or "hike roles." Other birch bark scrolls were named after the Ojibwa tribe, or a guardian, had in its possession to the role or was found, such as the "Red Sky Barch Scroll".

from pre-astronaut's point of view, the resulting creation roles are very interesting to see the various "creation sections, which are divided into four phases. The presentations always begin with a circle (the heavenly world) to see around which the Creator and his helpers. In the middle of the circle is an object in the Ojibwa mythology so important "flying shell - Megis - represents. comes from this shell-shaped object "Path" from a path that leads to a wider audience: the path that took the creator and his assistants, to visit earth.

In some creation roles can be found in / on the first circle - the distant world of the heavenly creator - Megis several "shells", of which then makes the journey to Earth.

The way on the second circle of the drawing - Earth - is presented with support points (small circles in the way). There, the Creator God our world has experienced and have then found that they are not for habitation of living was ready. He found it uninhabitable, as there was only water and ice.

Part of the creation role of Bungie Ojibwa: far left the world of the gods with celestial beings and Megis-flying objects, of which a path leads to the earth: the round small circle inside the breakpoint represents the trip, and the right circle shows the Earth at the time as it was considered habitable, again stopping at the heavenly visitor, here was so like in a comic book a double visit celestial beings depicted on our earth.

Another example of a creation role again left the world of the gods with celestial beings at the center Megis, then the way to Earth in unbesiedelbaren state (middle circle), then the right inhabitable Earth, it Megis, the gods vehicle.

The creation of the role of James Red Sky: here is yet another residence located on the ground, the last circle, only to see half, then the time of our last visit now habitable planet.

After completing the second circle in general, the trip to Megis to the next circle: the same world - our world - but this time with less water. Again, the Megis-way stops positions where did the Schöpergott and his helpers look around. The small rectangular object at the edge of the circle represents the first is out of the water mound rising, found during this Erdbesichtigung.
In some creation roles you see an otter in this district: this should be a messenger of the gods, who brought to life on our planet.
At the last descent Megis' is finally found everything perfect. In some creation of these roles circle is drawn as a highly stylized and primitive map of the Leech Lake - the "world" as they knew the signers of the birch bark rolls.
us here The traditional myth contains several aspects that allow for interpretation in terms of the Paleo-SETI research. The descent of God's associations to be on a flight: the road can be considered as a trajectory are, after all the stops as stationary (= orbit?) stays or landing a missile, which looked similar in form to a mortal shell. Is also remarkable to note that the flying object was by no means unique, but broke out of an "armada" of similar missiles.
on Red Sky's birch bark role we see, interestingly, on the edge of a circle - the world - an elongated object: this should be the god of heaven, as he looks around on this earth: the small projects into the district semi-circle was his head.
Telling the roles of the Ojibwa creation of all a fantastic event. They tell of different Development phases of our earth, tracked and monitored by non-human beings sky. And they tell of a journey of more time flying "shell" Megis, which was apparently manned, because the Creator God and his helpers look so from this object to out to Earth.
terraforming the earth
is depicted in many myths around the globe as the "gods" of our planet, first prepare for habitation by human beings. Such a company we know today as the concept of "terraforming". Thus a scenario is meant as directed exobiologists and others for hostile planet. By manipulating the atmosphere of celestial bodies in a life-friendly world is changed. Was it perhaps the beginning of the Erdevolution such interference by extraterrestrial intelligences, to report on the Ojibwa?
In the Ojibwa documents can be seen, however, initially only the "Otter". It is a symbol for one of the helpers of the god of heaven who had brought life to Earth. But on closer examination of some of the birch bark rolls, such as the creation of the role of James Red Sky, you can see that the people next creation, and in the first circle - is shown - the heavenly places. The presentation seems to want to show that people were already created before the Earth could have higher life before she was Megis and its crew finally classified as habitable. Unfortunately, betrayed the birch bark rolls no longer about this.
The meeting roles
The so-called "Meeting Roles" all start with an image that is from the performers and roles-owners known as the "Manito-assembly." Here is presented an assembly attended by the Creator God Manito and his helpers and messengers. This meeting is said to have taken place at a location to get over the location information is not secure. Some Ojibwa who were interviewed by researchers said that, this place must be 'high above have the soil over the four cardinal layers located. "consensus, however, the fact that this place far away from the Earth existed.
Drawn the scene as a circle or square with some figures on around them in it or. In the simplest cases are the essence only stylized by four small squares shown, which were misinterpreted later by non-Indian birch-bark roll performers as symbols of the four cardinal directions.
The purpose of the Manitoba meeting was to determine a messenger. He was sent to the people to be the now populated the earth. His mission was to teach people to teach them and to support them. For this task, it tells the myth, had the "bear" volunteered.
The journey of the god is following the Manito-assembly shown in four stages, the so-called bear-outs, as he had to overcome on this journey four mysterious obstacles. The Ojibwa passed vague talk about a "wall" through which the "bear tongue" without resistance was. The gods had come through something like a "hole" on the other side of the obstacle, but I have nothing there, no earth found. This happened two more times - and only after the fourth obstacle, he reached the Earth.
These four bears "breakthroughs" are shown on the birch bark rolls in various ways. Time simply by four strokes between the Manito-assembly location and the earth, sometimes by four bears paw prints, sometimes by four cross beams, then again by four circles. Manito law, the Assembly, left the earth, and in between the route of the messenger of the gods, the four obstacles represented by four strokes. Birch bark role of the Museum of Natural History, New York

law, the Manitoba Assembly, left the earth, between them again the route of the messenger of the gods, the four obstacles here than four bear paws traces shown
On the role of birch bark James Red Sky one sees four consecutive circuits through which each joins the "bear tongue.
Manito Assembly role of James Red Sky
In other representations we see the bear's head looks out of the fourth circle. These are all attempts, an incomprehensible, but for generations, well-handed action in connection with the journey of the god to earth somehow depict. Here, of course, from the perspective of the space age is a fantastic Food for speculation!
These four mysterious "bear-outs" are still up to the 19th Century in imitation of the Mide ceremony of the Ojibwa. A tribal priest did three tentative holding discreet steps. This was followed by a final and successful step in the Mide Lodge. The first task of the god on earth should be enough to build in the middle of the first-Mide lodge a "little tree" on which then a "thunder bird" landed. Here is the place, so is the messenger explained to the people could hear from which the sky god, the Indians always, whenever she phoned him. He would listen to anything if it will be precise at this place.
see in this scene are clearly right, the three steps of the Mide-priest, that he imitated the "bear-outs" before he entered the hut with the fourth step
One thinks of spontaneously something modern like a transmitter, an antenna. Similar messages, we have known for millennia in many cultures throughout the world. Prophets and seers were led to a particular place - by an invisible speaking being, or an "appearance" for example - and it was they applied specifically to build exactly an altar, a temple or a church, that God (or gods) of this receive their requests and concerns from local can.
(aside: If we ever had a messenger sent to another world, of course, would be his first job is to ensure there for conversation with the home world, whether by voice, image transfer or future high-tech no-stop connection whatsoever. .. 23.1.2009)
The migration of the Ojibwa
The mythological story of the ancestors continue to walk as a designated roles traditions. The Ojibwa Indians report that they once lived a long time on the shore of a sea so long that they forgot the whole time, where they came from originally. One day had risen from the ocean waves, an object that looked like a giant clam. This "shell" for a long time hovering over the land of the Ojibwa and have them returned to their old home. You always hovered in the sky, and the Ojibwa followed her. The aircraft showed them the way, especially when the "right path" came off, and reminded her to move on, if they remained too long in one place. Thus, the Ojibwa finally reached their home country.
appears on the birch bark rolls the "shell" because come into play, where the messenger of the gods "Bear" leaves the scene again. Indian artist vague report of "something" had handed over the the bear the "shell". Furthermore, they state that should point to the roles of different Mide huts shown inauguration ceremonies of the way Megis.
The Midéwegin ceremonies as well as playing a shell a big role. It dips shown on some roles on the shore of a sea. As the Ojibwa in their ceremonies sea shells used to believe some interpreters of Ojibwa myths, this is the origin of the Indian Evidence from the shores of an ocean. How else, they ask themselves, is an inland people to just a sea shell - and moreover one that actually occurs only in the Indian Ocean and Pacific - to use in their ceremonies?
The declaration could be quite simple. The shell Cypraea moneta - in the South Pacific used to make payments - was easy to obtain in the days of the great Ojibway ceremonies. In large quantities, was traded with them in the "Hudson Bay Company," and they were mass carried on merchant ships and not just in London department stores en masse for sale. Shells of this type was found, for example, in the Mounds Roden in Alabama, the Serpent Mound in Ontario or as decoration on clothing of the Cree Indians. This shell was simply readily available. The fact that the Ojibwa they used in their ceremonies, representing the bright, shining "Shell" Megis, which led to the walks, not necessarily mean that this flying object genaus like a cowrie shell looked like. Cypraea moneta was not on hand, used the Ojibwa, other shells at the ceremony. One thing is clear: The Ojibwa do by a flying object that have been most closely resembled in shape of a giant shell, out into their new / old home.
view examples of the flying object in the birch bark rolls Megis

cowrie shells
about the launch and the progress of the migration of the Indian tribe There is still no clarity. In the non-fiction is as a starting point times the Gulf of Mexico, sometimes given the Atlantic Ocean, the way stations vary accordingly. Can help the birch bark rolls? Many of these roles will end on Leech Lake. As a way station is almost everywhere on the Lake Superior. Everything else is uncertain, except one: the travel direction was from east to west.
The anthropologist William Warren (1885) calculated that the Ojibwa by about the year 1490 reached La Pointe, 120 years before Pere Allouez, the first European visitors to remember it, reached the area.
These are some basic myths motifs, as shown on the birch bark rolls are - some of the few relatively safe to interpret behavior. It is a pity that at the time when the Europeans began to be interested in these roles, hardly gave Indians, who knew that they interpret the given rolls. By far the greater part of the depicted scenes and themes as well as countless small details are thus largely lost for understanding. Nevertheless, these
are many different roles birchbark important evidence for the core message of the Paleo-SETI research here, an early contact of our ancestors with non-human beings who came from outside our planet, provided and delivered.
Barnouw, V.: Wisconsin Chippewa Myths and Tales. Madison 1977
Dewdney, S.: The Sacred Scrolls of the Southern Ojibwa. Toronto, Buffalo 1975
Dewdney, S. / K.E. Kidd: Indian Rock Paintings of the Great Lakes. Toronto 1967
Johnston, B.: Und Manitu erschuf die Welt. Köln 1984
Schoolcraft, H.R.: Oneota, or the Red Race of America. New York, London 1945
Warren, W.: History of the Ojibwa. Minneapolis 1885


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