Sunday, January 25, 2009

Milena Velba Tied Boobs

abduction 200 years ago

Gisela Ermel

Parallels to the modern UFO phenomenon in North American Indians

In: Magazin2000plus, No. 4 / 180, Special Issue "UFOs and crop circles", Marktoberdorf 2002
+ lecture, held on 20 March 1999 in Würzburg: Fiebag seminar "paleo-Kontak - Journey to the Gods from Space"

In the late summer of 1855 stayed the ethnologist and explorer Johann Georg Kohl at Lac du Flambeau, a lake in present-day Wisconsin, USA. A tribe of local Ojibwa Indians had received him kindly, and a French interpreter carbon supported in his efforts, material on the habits, the religious beliefs and activities of daily living to collect these Indians. "Pale faces" these Indians had received relatively rarely seen, but it was cabbage - after many setbacks, and sometimes amusing misunderstandings - to win their trust. His notebooks were filled gradually with interesting information, and he kept in his hut with a loving collector's pride one or the other Indian-prop, very pleased with the every Ethnology Museum in Europe would.

the ethnologist and explorer Johann Georg Kohl

One day the Indians told him of a loner, known Kagagengs (little raven), in the village as a kind of curious fellow that was in constantly walk around outside and sells, with herb collecting or idleness time. He was regarded as an outsider, and the Indians in the village thought he was the oldest man in the settlement community. He lived somewhat apart from the other, a hut on the reeds, and as coal met him, he found him actually in high old age. Whether he was really a hundred years old, left to prove, of course. Every Indian in the village knew that little raven at birth had been regarded as a bizarre child who had learned to talk very much ahead of other Indian children, and he reportedly has an exceptionally good memory. He did - and that Kohl was very curious - as a boy had an extraordinary experience that was formative for the rest of his life, and he almost never speak, even if you speak to him on it, he just go like this in silence.

It took many days to the tireless efforts by the interpreter and the ethnologist, the confidence of the aged Indian win. And to speak as carbon dared then Kagagengs on this boy experience, this is resisted hatrnäckig tell you about it.

part of an Ojibwa village

Kohl later wrote about this moment: "When I had all the old man made it clear what I wish he was completely silent and sat like a statue there. He said not a word ... "patiently and carefully Kohl walked on toward his destination. He felt that he could get to hear an extraordinary and unusual history when he hired only right. After much cajoling Kohl assured the ancient Indians, If this belief that he pull himself through the communication of that experience a disaster, so he stood on his request and only after Kohl said to the old time. "By the way, we are here among us ..." (Kohl, receiving oral Interpreters and Kagagengs sat alone in front of the Red Indian hut, and were actually quite disturbed) "... you can up knowing that I'll talk to anyone about your people or your kindred in the village about this ... "- only then broke the tongue of the old man and he was ready." unpack "but he was astonished about the fact that a white at all for his experience'm

Typical Ojibwa lodge

And then began Kleiner Rabe to tell of. "I was a boy, so big that when I got up and my father on the mat sat, we both were equal. It was autumn ...."

listened spellbound the two white men and still had no idea know what a fantastic and bizarre story here should.

Assuming that Kagagengs counted 70-100 Lenze and his experience as old as the decade has been, one can assume, for the period of the events he described the years between 1765 to about 1795, using as The starting point is the year 1855, entrusted in the Little Raven as a very old man his boyhood experience of the explorer Kohl.

The period for this experience is a time when no one had ever heard of unknown flying objects, abductions and encounters of one kind or another, a time some 200 years before the so-called first UFO sighting in 1947 by the American pilots, Kenneth Arnold and above the so-called first kidnapping of the couple, Betty and Barney Hill in 1961, is located. Meanwhile, we have learned, both sightings dated unknown flying objects and abductions by alien beings much further back than is commonly done.

Let us back over 200 years and the experiences of the Little Ravens subsequently witness.

at Lac du Flambeau was the mother of Kagagengs died and according to ancient rites have been buried. Registered days later ...

Kleiner Rabe's sad. He wants to be with his grief for his dead mother alone so early. The boy secretly sneaks out of the Indian village, which succeeds easily because his father and uncle to a smoke-road company, and his sisters are busy. Little Raven runs into the nearby forest, as far and as fast as he can. At last he can let his emotions run wild, and he cries aloud. Finally, he climbs a tall tree, quite beside himself with grief and mourning.

of a sudden he heard a voice beside him. He is very frightened, for he is sitting up in a tree! To his astonishment, he discovered his immense a black human form, the zuschwebt through the air towards him.

"Who are you and why are you crying?" He hears the mysterious figure to ask him.

"I am an Indian boy, and I cry for my mother," he replies.

The shape of it looks at her and asks him: "Come, follow me!" She takes the Indian boy by the hand and leads him away through the air. Over tall trees away it goes, Kleiner Rabe know hardly happens, what with him. Twice he looks at the trees tremble and bow down, but the voice admonished him repeatedly: "Do not be afraid!" Finally they reach the summit of a high mountain.

"Do you know the mountains?" asks the mysterious black creature that he believes is a woman. When he denies, he said his companion, "It the mountains are the heart of the deer. "

Kleiner Rabe is astonished, but he too knows that this mountain for three whole days' journey away from his village. He is surprised that he so quickly (it seemed to him like three steps), many forests, meadows and prairies has crossed. At a wave of the hand of this being a black entrance opens into the mountain, and surprises Kleiner Rabe looks down a long corridor, illuminated at the other end of a bright light. The form asks the boy to get in with her, and both floating weightless as the other side of the aisle. A bright light welcomes the Indian boys, he is completely blinded. As he carefully umherblinzelt, he looks a bit like a hut in the middle of the gloss are. An opening is formed, and the form asks the boy to enter.

is Again Little Raven surrounded by bright rays of light, so dazzling that he pulls his cloak over his eyes. He trembles with fear and in anxious expectation of things to come. From the back of the room he calls on a voice, to look around a bit. This is for little crow after a little accustomed to the bright light. At first he saw nothing but a kind of lamp in the middle of the room, which emits a powerful light on its own. So bright that Kleiner Rabe says it's the sun. Nothing else, then it knows it can still shine as bright! Scheme liability He sees a figure in the background, he considers the absence of other possible interpretations for the personification of the sun. Or is it a ghost? the little raven asks confused. He is very upset and do not know where he is and what happened to him. The shadowy person in the background of the clear space he now asks: "Look down!"

Little Raven is doing it, and paralyzed with fear! By a kind of opening or window in the room, he looks far, far below trees, forests, mountains, great lakes and finally "all round the world". He can not get enough of the fascinating sight!

"Look now hinaut "him, the voice asks. Kleiner Rabe looks up and sees a kind of window innumerable stars, so close he could touch them. He is carried away completely, something he has never seen before! As the voice tells him . to look straight ahead, he must tear himself away by force by the fantastic view of the starry sky, he looks ahead -! and is scared to death Terrified, he stares at his own likeness That's me he thinks As is the case. possible? The voice now speaks reassuringly to him, and what will explain to the bewildered Indian boy, is this not make sense.

"See," the voice says, "you are always with me. I wake up every day and I see you about. I look at you and knows what you do and if you are sick or well "

But it will still get a lot smaller now Rabe looks fantastic next to his own image four Indians said the voice..." These four are in you. They will come from you. There are your four sons, you'll have time ... You yourself but will live so long that your hair will be white as snow. "

Kleiner Rabe feel a great joy rising within him, joy of his prophetic sons, whom he would one day get, and joy be as long life . He almost regretted leaving this bright and adventurous space again to have, but the voice of the person in the background tells him, now go home. Outside the room the figure of hope in him, which have accompanied him here. leave

When the boy has the bright spot and the black character floats back to earth, it seems the height from which they glide down, immeasurable. And to achieve as both the forest, had started from where Kagagengs' mysterious journey, the boy is placed in the branches of a Christmas tree. He noticed a surprise that it is early morning now and the sun just peeks out with half its disk above the horizon. Little Raven had not noticed that now the rest of the day and a whole Wr night passed. He is still more than confused. The mysterious companion adopted now by her protégé and thinks about this..

"It will now come almost four people to pick up following them but not if they want you to touch with bare hands, you will be leaves of the linden trees pick near there and protect use when they touch you. they do, then follow them. you Remember this well! Live Well, little raven. "

And now is gone the black character, and the boy is alone. It does not take long, and he hears voices among themselves. Little Raven feels totally at a time exhausted. He is too dull to turn the head to the side, to see who was well down there. Suddenly he heard a cry: "What is it up there in the tree A man Yes, yes, it's him, Come, sisters, we've found it?!"

Now Kleiner Rabe acknowledges that down there are his four sisters, who had set out to find him. And they really pick on his request, linden tree leaves before they touch it and bring it down from the tree. They take him home to the village, put him on his bed and take care of loving him. Little Raven needs to be maintained, for he is so weak and ill that he can not eat for three days.

"But then," said the old Indian finished his stunning report, "I began to gradually return to power as the other and lived with the people who thought often of my experience ... Also, all came true, which I was promised at that time. I have married and have four sons, and my hair has turned white. I am now a hundred years old. "

Ojibwa Indians

As JA Kohl 1859 in Bremen, his research and his experiences with the Ojibwa Indians of the Lac du Flambeau published in his book was for him the story, only the "dream of an Indian boy." What is this story for us Today, some 200 years later? We have now know that the experience of having little raven many parallels to the experiences of today's witnesses, who claim to be abducted by aliens, and this is usually on board of an unknown flying object.

Let's look at the "Fall Little Raven" again in detail at, and he is worth a closer look. First there is the statement on this black figure hovering and hovering with it. In the course of many years of exhaustive UFO research has, among other things revealed that numerous witnesses hovering alien beings want to have observed, indeed, were floated even to this together through the air - often on a flying object in which they were then admitted.

In 1988, a dedicated and pioneering study was published over 300 UFO-abduction cases, entitled "UFO Abductions - The Measure of a Mystery". had commissioned this study by the Fund for UFO Research in Maryland, and author Dr. Thomas E. Bullard, a folklorist, who did his doctorate at the University of Indiana about UFOs and their interactions, it came to the conclusion that it happened in many cases that the witness a strange thing to the door to an unknown location (often of an unknown flying object), guided float - and the witnesses, also pending, brought back to the floor.

We see that Kleiner Rabe with his experience as regards the aspect of floating and floating being, is in good company. Where

may have brought the mysterious black figure the Indian boy? It would be premature, the claim that Kleiner Rabe was out of this bright room looked down on the ground to close, he had found on board a flying object. Too many other explanations are possible, but I feel the stay on board a flying object is not the question.

makes very thoughtful and that part of history, in which Kleiner Rabe reported that he and his future children were shown a picture of himself, combined with the declaration: "I see you every day and watch over you. I look at you and knows what you do and if you are sick or well." If representatives of a foreign intelligence to the life of this Ojibwa boys have monitored and tracked? If so - why Kleiner Rabe? Many other questions occur to do, questions to which there is currently no all-explanatory answers.

Another aspect of this report is striking: the large Abgechlagenheit and fatigue after the end of the experience of Kagagengs. For three days, he claims that he was practically in need of care. If we are here dealing with a so-called Post-abduction symptoms, have the Dr. Jacobs, a professor of history at Temple University in 1975, lists in his thesis? Meant that the typical effects of the abduction experiences in the UFO phenomenon, the medical in nature and of remaining scars of pain, skin burns and other sequelae to extreme fatigue are rich.

And what may be behind the bizarre details of the story of Little Raven, which says it had not been naked with, should be touching bare skin? We do not know. May be found in future an explanation for this aspect of the Indian experience, when the UFO research has made further progress. After all the

can say is: Why should Little Raven's alleged "dream boy" just follow a pattern that would emerge 200 years later in the course of the UFO research as typical? Kleiner Rabe also mentioned the ethnologist carbon compared with not a word, slept and dreamed to have. No, let us admit it: this so bizarre and fantastic account of a very old Ojibwa Indians is based on a real experience.

The Fourth Meeting of the nature of the Ojibwa Indian Agab-Gijik

During his stay in the village of Ojibwa Indians in 1855, the anthropologist learned the old coal-Indians know Agab Gijik that appeared there one day as a visitor . The translation the name of this Ojibwa Kohl wrote to as "The End of the Projecting Cloud = The end of the sublime cloud", and the length of the name because he spoke in his book, later simplified to "cloud". This elderly Indian was much more talkative and more accessible than small raven.

Ojibwa Indians in canoes

The researchers used carbon residence of "cloud" in the Indian village to tell of him can be an experience he had as a 14-year-old boy. Both Indians - Kleiner Rabe and cloud - were shown not to influence each other and knew very likely not even the fact that they had had both an experience some of the amazing parallels. Besides these similarities there are also striking differences, which I will discuss below. Let us hear first what the anthropologists reported that Indian coal.

Cloud went to a lonely spot in the woods and made a camp in a large spruce tree. The Indian boy was fast for a few days to get to "his dream". As a boy pulled out, he would then return to the village as a man and thus enter a new phase of life. But what came next was not a dream, but an entirely unexpected encounter with the unexplainable.

In the night, Cloud told the attentive audience, "I suddenly heard a noise and contractions in the branches. It was as if a serious bear or moose broke through the bushes and forests. Came over me a great fear. I thought it would be too many of them, a lot, and I wanted to make preparations to flee. But he who approached me, guessed my thoughts and saw my fear even from afar, and he therefore allowed by all to me, hovers near, room, and quiet approach, and he was gentle and mild on the branches of my tree I at the head down. "

Here we are dealing with an approach that is floating being that, as with Little Raven shows up unexpectedly from the air. Wolke not a description of this figure more closely, said to coal only vaguely of a "spirit". Striking here is the mention of noise and whispering in the trees at the approach of the mysterious being. Both - the sound when you get closer to floating cloud and the in-the-hand grasp of the little raven by a strange figure - suggests a physical presence and therefore real being.

Cloud went on. "Then began the mind, to talk to me, and he asked me

'Are you afraid, my son?"

'No.' I said, 'now no more. "

'Why are you here in this tree? "

'fast to order. "

'Why are you fasting? "

'To gain strength and to know my life. "

The Spirit, 'This is good because it is excellent along with what is now happening elsewhere just for you. It is entirely in harmony with the commission, which I have for you ... I am instructed to invite you so that you make and look vernähmest. Come, follow me '. "

At this point interrupted carbon speech flow of the old Indian, he asked him:" Said the spirit of it, according to "

About this thrown in the matter to the anthropologists now after more than a hundred years, surely every UFO . researchers are grateful, because the answer can anyone who knows a little with the UFO phenomenon listen attentively, answered

cloud: . No. It was no ordinary conversation, and I do not believe that I said aloud We watched the two interact, and guessed the heart and saw each other's thoughts.. "

should definitely be mentioned at this point that what a remarkable number of today's UFO witnesses, that the alien beings with whom they were confronted communicated with them. They had but heard no voice but the words "in their head" for an answer. One witness described according to the UFO researcher Raymond E. Fowler the way to communicate with foreigners "almost as if you think something in your head." Other witnesses again described it this way: "The eyes of the creatures said to me ...", while others concerned "knew what to think the essence." One witness in Utah said this form of communication with the mysterious figures in the following manner: he was so happened, as if "the little creatures with their heads me . thought "Betty Andreasson, one of the most famous kidnap victims, testified:". talk to me, but micht with her mouth "

The Indians cloud of the same form of communication described thus very obvious and well when he described Kohl, he and the "spirit" would have looked each other in the heart and sees her thoughts.

The aforementioned study by Dr. Bullard about 300 kidnapping cases came to the following Result: "Of 124 cases with closed communications 98 (79%), telepathy, thought transference one, or the witness could understand the nature or they hear, without moving their mouths or provide no apparent auditory performance."

But back to Agab-Gijik, the Indians cloud, and his exceptional experience that has yet so topical. What writes Fowler about the typical Zuammentreffen an interested party with one (or more) of alien creatures could not fit better Agab-Gijik. As soon as kidnappers and kidnap victims are facing, "begins the first communication, in some cases it takes place when the Kidnapped by the aliens outside of the vessel meets. Is that so, then the aliens calm usually the witness and ask him to follow them. "

today no longer speak, we so self-evident of" extraterrestrials "because we know less than ever, to whom it is these representatives of a foreign intelligence works, that keeps us so effectively contact, but the fact remains that certain sequence pattern repeated many times in many independent witnesses, and this pattern is also evident in cloud:

A strange thing hangs cause: first contact, then equal to the communication (in this case in the kind of telepathy) then the mandatory Calm the witnesses at Kleiner Rabe by a "Fear not!" in cloud - perhaps telepathically causes? - "Are you afraid, my son?" - "No, not now!". And then follow the prompt. Like all other abduction victims to cloud obeyed this call. He further told the ethnologist Kohl

"When he told me to follow him, I rose from my bed and, without my help and without my will, easily and almost automatically, like a spirit, which arises from the grave , and followed him through the air. The Spirit moved me forward to the East, I think of it. While we were floating in the air, but as sure as I went on a firm Earth, and it seemed to me as we walked into a high mountain ascended higher and higher and higher eastward "

This last statement is more than a mysterious floating through the air -.. And yet the Geühl as stride (or I?) is on solid ground -. see have what could cloud meant as certain we the described only that both are obviously up, up, were moving simultaneously in the east

What does this reveal, is probably even more the annoying " limits of language. "We have to consider that for the impression that an event makes to a witness or a kidnapping victim, his location is essential. This is meant in the first Line of his spiritual location, its world view, his horizon of possibilities of thought in which he perceives the experience. This intellectual position is the language in which you live and is expressed together closely, which is the ability to express feelings and impressions into words and to interpret perceptions (eg, a bright light as the "sun" as in Little Raven) and that therefore the horizon of the world experience in which one lives, to classify. Under this aspect is carefully to the story from cloud to approach. We should keep this in mind when another boy's description of his experience.

"When we arrived after a long time on the summit, and found there a wigwam built, into which we entered, "continued the old Indians. He did not say that they reached the summit of a mountain, only spoke of arriving at a summit. On the summit of what? We know that both in east were up floated. What was that which indicated cloud as a wigwam built? Did he perhaps hanging in the air flying object in front, he interpreted only from his perspective out to be a "wigwam"? What was it Anyway, it sounds After a massive object can be inside the body. Let us tell Cloud what he found there and experienced.

"I initially saw nothing but a white stone that lay in the middle of the wigwam. When I but a little sharper looking, I saw four men sitting around the stone. They invited me to take on the white stone in the middle seat. "

What followed now, sounds like a rather bizarre and unbelievable, but we must try to" trace things behind things. "The Indian boy had little on this "white stone" established as confused him a very strange feeling. At first he thought the "stone" beneath him begin to wane, and it seemed to him as though he would sink along with the Indian boys in the soil. The sounds quite then to get as if the Indian boy, the movement of a flying object at the first hand feel. Naturally we do not know whether this assumption is true, it is not impossible in any case. Remember the feeling that one has in an elevator when it goes!

One of the men let up briefly and cloud covered the "stone" with a kind of white cloth (the Indian boy compared it with a weissgegerbten Rehhaut).

"When I again settled on, held it firmly like a tree, and I was sitting good."

And then came the old Indian in a moment of his experience, which suggests once again that he might have experienced a flight launch. "One of the four took the floor and ordered me to look down. When I did, I saw below me the whole . Earth, deep, deep and wide, spread out far in front of me "

The banned eavesdropping anthropologist raised a question:"? ".

answered cloud." It seemed you around No, they had four corner "

This is indeed an extraordinary response -. unless, cloud had looked through a rectangular viewing screen or a monitor that has the look down appeared on the earth the other hand, we know that many Indian tribes the Earth constitute a square, and this view may later . narrative of the Indian influenced

cloud was now, like Kleiner Rabe, permitted a view of the sky: "Then another took the floor and ordered the Four I look up. I looked up and saw the whole sky above me, very close. It was a delightful and gorgeous to look superb. I looked long, long ordered up and almost forgot where I was. "

One of the four people now the Indian boys to climb. He pointed to the back of the hard seat behind the cloud, and this looked stunned that it was grown and immeasurably extended in the air had.

"There were paragraphs in it," he reported, "and I could climb up on them as on a ladder. I got up and klimmend climbing higher and higher, higher and higher, and finally I came to a place where around the pillar surrounded by four old men dressed in white sat in the open air. A dazzling shiny dome arching over them. "

The Indian boy felt strangely" easy "and would prefer to climb higher and higher. The four floating in the open air figures taught now cloud over his future, he predicted, a capable hunter to be, and a long life.

"I then rose quickly back down the long stone at my head," continued cloud. "I had to hold but hard to notice because I want them to disappear under my feet started and fast, like an icicle melted away by the fire. When I sat down again on my stone seats, the same had its previous dimensions again assumed. "

hear all this at surprisingly logical, if it is assumed that the Indian boy on board a flying object was, the flying object of a superior alien intelligence. This remarkable growing hard wire, the self-feeling light of the boys, in the open air floating figures and the back together shrinking head: all this sounds like a well-observed and true to the memory stored on real experience for this remarkable conductor would you suggest most any technological interpretation We have here a typical abduction experience.. before us, which seems rather to fit the present day, as the 18th Century! And yet it is so far back!

This case still holds a surprising end for us. On his return told Cloud succinctly: "I let down in my nest or camp on the red pine I found that three days had passed over it.."

narrated his experience but for now fills less than three days! Here we are dealing with a typical abduction side effect: the lost time. Mysterious time gaps in the experience of the abductees today beinabe are already on the agenda. Dr. Jacobs is one of the motif of "missing time" to the above mentioned Post-Abduction-symptoms (PAS). Today we are able through hypnosis return the secret to some time gap in UFO abduction victims resolve, but with the Indian boy cloud, we grope in the dark. What he noticed at all that three days had passed? Kohl noted in his book, nothing.

What is missing at first glance, in comparison with the modern abduction at Kleiner Rabe and cloud, is the sighting of a flying object by the witness. Whether behind the "Wigwam," floated up to the cloud with the aliens, and behind the light radiating area in the Little Raven got into it, in each case hiding an unknown flying object, we can not know. To our regret, of course, could the anthropologist Kohl guess not then, with questions which we would have liked asked of him - we would bombard today Kleiner Rabe and cloud with a whole range of issues that must unfortunately remain forever unanswered.

floating canoes and light cone as a "path to the top: to learn the experiences from Round wind and small spruce
more about country and people, has left coal the Ojibwa village and traveled in the company of some Indians and its interpreter in the residential areas of the adjacent Sious Indians. There he met the Sioux Round Wind know him - after a mutual trust was established - something extraordinary was willing to share. What had happened to wind round about twenty years ago (ie about 1835), never let him go again, and he carved details of his experience in simple images on his pipe, he performed the foreign proud paleface. And then he told ...
one day walked into a strange wind round building, he thought it was a kind of medicine wigwam or a temple. Astonished, he saw sitting around in the room many wise old men. Round Wind imagined if it were warriors and chiefs from time immemorial. The characters were called the Indians welcomed and asked him, next to a big strange rock in the middle of the room to sit down, carried on his stir to drum and sing to the glory of the Great Spirit. Wind round saw in this room are something like a large tree, about "big peace pipe decorated with feathers" one.
far, a harmless, everyday history, one might think. But what happened next was anything but ordinary. During Round
wind among these old men sat outside, he saw through the opening of the "wigwam" approach something strange hovering in the distance through the air. At first he could not see to what an object, it was there, but gradually he came to the conclusion it would probably be two canoes, for a different way compared he had not. The startling thing was that they then float above the ground in the open air - something round wind had never seen before. When the two objects were moved closer, the Indians recognized in both two figures with black faces. The two objects were flying very close to the entrance of "medical wigwams' float approached, and then looked round the wind, as the ground suddenly opened up under the flying objects in a wide hole and split. The two strange canoes floated down into the opening, which turned immediately thereafter again closed over them, and laid round wind perplexed that the ground had swallowed the flying canoe before his eyes.
And then a new fear: a moment later round wind alone - the strange "medical Wigwam" was, with all its occupants disappeared without trace, as never been there.

The drawing of the Indian Round Wind: above the floating canoe down the medicine wigwam and in the middle of the hole in the inside flew the floating objects (Nachzeichnun by JA Kohl 1855)

For the ethnologist Kohl was even no question, of course, could be the experience of the Sioux Indian's only a "dream" was! So easily we make ourselves any more. Against the interpretation of events as a dream speaks as follows: Round wind had - like every human being - countless dreams of living in The course of his life. But just this experience it seemed so extraordinary that he immortalized in his pipe. None of his dreams, only this incident presented in pictures dar. With not a word mentioned Round wind that he had fallen asleep before his experience.
is remarkable, in fact, the abrupt end of this event. Kohl put it - out of his former point of view - like this: "A moment later the whole dream has vanished." But there are
- Looking at the whole thing from the perspective of modern UFO research - quite different explanations. Even today, it happens to many kidnapping victims that they suddenly find their experience at the exit point without to know how they got there. Thomas E. Bullard speaks of the so-called "door-amnesia" and knows cases in which witnesses a meeting of the Fourth Art experienced a blackout when entering or leaving an unknown flying object, or a mysterious alien village. Here again comes the aspect of the aforementioned "missing time" to light.
Could it not be with Round wind was so well? He apparently did not know how he got into this strange "medical Wigwam" and as little as he left again. Against the interpretation of a dream still speaks the following: An Indian who dreams dreams of flying things, more of eagles, birds and things from his cultural Radius - short of things to him are from his everyday life and from his familiar world out. Sure there are, as in any dream bizarre and illogical elements - but an Indian who "dreams" of floating canoe, flying in an opening and closing the bottom opening - that falls out of character. A fortiori, if this was not a dream! We should rightly ask: Did Round Wind a sighting of unknown flying objects, linked to an encounter of the close kind? We should not be too quick to answer this question in the negative.
The special cases of the "Little Raven", "Cloud" and "Round Wind" is the fact that they are based on the report at first hand. Kohl spoke to the Witnesses to the events in person. We are not dealing so long with traditional Indian myths. Even if it accompanied the French interpreter, Kohl, admits some inadvertent errors in translation, we are dealing with authentic but reports that have been passed not only from generation to generation. Just four years after Kohl's stay at the Lake Superior and adjacent areas, he published his book in which he published his carefully written down research results, and these Indians reports. It may be that anthropologists just thankful that he is except for huts, food supply, clothing, language, craftsmanship of the Indians, etc. also for The exceptional personal experiences interested. What this means for us with valuable first-hand reports "!
Let's go back to the Lac du Flambeau. Some Ojibwa Indians showed carbon one day the grave of a large, wide-famous chief named Shinguakongse - Small spruce. Small spruce was the son of an Ojibwa Indian woman and a Scottish officer, and Kohl had the good fortune to meet some of the descendants of the Indian chief. Proudly told them episodes from the life of the famous ancestors, and one of those experiences back in the days when a boy of small spruce about ten years ago. We can only assume that this event to the rather informal, possibly for decades took place earlier than was the startling adventures of Little Raven and cloud, because the settlement at Lac du Flambeau built shortly after the 1745th Kohl told the following by the descendants of the Indian chief:
It is a cold, stormy winter night. The wind roars with power around the camp, and small spruce is shivering and trembling mother in the hut. Suddenly he felt as if were speaking a gentle, sweet voice to him. He looks anxiously around at the cabin, but can see no one. He is very uneasy.
"Poor Shinguakongse," the soft voice whispers to him, "You are miserable, come to me!"
looks back anxiously at little spruce, but the cause of this mysterious voice nowhere to be seen. In this moment, the Indian boy deeply shocked. He maintained a kind of luminous light path that starts in his bed, and from the lodge entrance leads out - up obliquely upwards into the air. An inner voice tells him that this was the path he should walk. How forcibly rises the Indian boy and noticed how bright it in this light cone higher and higher up, floating. High in the lofty sky, small spruce discovered is a sort of "house", where he is a human figure, dressed in a white Garment expected.
What happened there with him, not hear of his descendants to report only that the figure to the boy "pictures" showed scenes to see where tents, people, riders, warriors and fighters. Then taught the strange figure of the boy about his future and predicted that he would be a great hero. Then Little Spruce was again "went down" this floating, glowing light path and landed in the hut at his camp. At that moment the luminous cone of light had disappeared without a trace - and thought little spruce, all of this to have only dreamed of. How else could he explain this unusual and mysterious experience?
Small spruce would certainly be very surprised - and comforted? - Have been if he had known that his Up Hover should belong on a "shining path" to an unknown object floating in the sky a few hundred years later to the details typical for the modern UFO abductions.
Such a "shining path" - a light beam or light cone - is a very puzzling phenomenon, past and present. In our contemporary reports abduction victims and witnesses repeatedly described the following characteristics of such a light cone:
  • it serves as a kind of "lift"
  • was observed as a strange thing (or more) it up or down floated or both
  • it was observed how objects lifted it or how stakeholders have been raised therein
  • witnesses saw, also within a beam and / or to float down, alone or with one or more foreign beings
  • Witnesses saw as a cone of light down press or injured or paralyzed

In the several times mentioned study of 300 cases of abduction of Dr. Bullard is to rule on this inter-esting aspect of the UFO phenomenon: "As rays of light ... in relation to the ship are remains a mystery, but their meaning is clear in the abduction. In 61 reported cases the witnesses that a light in your car or bedroom met, or they were showered with light. This light can emanate directly from the ship or of a being ... The usual position of the light incident at the beginning of the story to settle during the arrest, where a beam has the task of taking the witness's mental and physical freedom. "

The study then explicitly point out that with in many cases the light beam or cone-a kind of pulling power, connects the leaves to the witnesses up to float an object.

way and no other did so, too at the Indian boys Small spruce. What writes Dr. John Fiebag in his article "First Contact" could not fit better on the case of small spruce: "Suddenly in the Room occurring unexplained lights moving from outside in, is a common secondary phenomenon, which usually indicates the beginning or end of an abduction experience are."

Let's remember: while a disembodied voice speaking to other small fir, lights suddenly a "shining path" from the top down into the Indian hut up to the warehouse of the boy. This then floats up to an object is, where the encounter with a being associated with a "slide show" and a future forecast, and finally suspended the boy again in the light beam down - and is back on his Camp, the "shining path" but has disappeared.

Such a scenario could well be only just happened in our time you replace the Indian hut with a modern house. In all these early cases - the abduction of Little Raven, cloud, small spruce, and the sightings of flying objects by Round Wind - the parallels to today's kidnapping cases are obvious and compelling. were meetings of the fourth kind is already about 200 years ago, and very likely much earlier. All the cases described here bear a striking example is indeed in a limited area in the Canadian lakes and in a limited period - 18 / 19 Century - but There could be many more cases like this, which we know nothing, not because an ethnologist as JA Kohl everywhere by his positive curiosity towards the Indians by such experiences random write, hear and could publish. A

us but known parallel is the case, Black Elk - Black Elk - an Ogallala Sioux Indians, who as a boy more abduction experiences, where he has been contacted by floating humanoid creature and then a flight with a "cloud "made.

Black Elk

Black Elk attend a "cottage" in heaven above

Black Elk is carried on a cloud in the sky
Here we even know the exact date: 1868 - at the age of five years - he had his first close encounters, and in 1872 he experienced his "cloud flying". Black Elk later told a white man, John Neihardt, its history, which they later published. How many such cases there may even be that we still know nothing? Here is a track worth looking from the perspective of UFO research all!
Bullard, Thomas E.: UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery. Mound Rainier 1987
Fiebag, John: First Contact. In: Scientific New Times, No. 2, 1996 Langenthal
Kohl, Johann Georg: Kitschi-Gami or stories from Lake Superior. Bremen 1859
Neihardt, John G. Black Elk: I call my people. Munich 1962
Stöcklin, Nando: History of the Ojibwa. In: Magazine of American Studies, No. 3, 1998


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