Sunday, October 25, 2009

Autodesk Sketchbook Recommended Tablet

revealed growth disorders in foals

After a long break I'm writing another article. This time of growth disorders in foals.

include growth disorders:

  • deformities
  1. axial deviation
  2. rotation deformity
  3. tendon deformities
  • osteochondrosis
  1. joint surface changes
  2. OCD or chips
  3. cysts
  • Physitis / Epiphysitis
  1. inflammation of the growth

The prevalence of stunting is generally underestimated. Depending on the definition and processing of the data is found in the literature for normally reared foals a frequency of 10% to 50%. The growth of disease is osteochondrosis up to 25% of the foals. Not always, there is permanent damage in the adult horse. Some disorders require but a very rapid intervention to prevent damage.

The article explains the causes, consequences and therapeutic possibilities of various diseases.

One Piece Robin Slap Spanda

The end ... back home!

Home Hello!
Soo ... now it's over ... one year traveling around the world is finished, I arrived back home and unfortunately I am already integrated in the German daily routine.

Hello home!
Sooo ... here it is ... My year's world tour is over, I'm back home arrived and, unfortunately, already fully integrated in German life.

flirts At ... Many thanks to all the people I've met , with whom I had a great time and special THANKS to all of you guys who have become frinds to me. It was a gorgeous time, most of you will stay in my mind for long time. If one of you ever wants to visit Germany, please cantact me!

First ... times a big THANK YOU to all that I have met on the road, which was allowed to travel with me and a special THANK YOU to all who have even become friends! Many of you will remain in my memory and always be a part of my journey. If at some point one of you would like to visit Germany, you just contact me! I'll help you. At 5:10:09 am

after almost a year since I landed back in Berlin . Actually I wanted to finish the trip only in my small village Brielow and by train, bus and travel on foot to go home ... but my good friends, it would not give up, pick me up from the airport. To properly tune into Germany, we went to the 'berliner' Oktoberfest and have a delicious wheat beer and a sausage enjoyed. Later in the evening it was still delicious German, dark, fresh bread with sausage and cheese. (Sometimes it's the simple things that make a happy ;-)
the next 3 days it was called then friends and family see say hello and to settle. Time is running and my brother (Ralph) and his girlfriend have been put into the Show (child on the march and bought an old house) and you need a 'little' help in renovating . So I am leaving with my dad to the south, referred to the village (southwest of Munich) and me the next 2 week trial as a construction worker. Each day 9-12am to work, because you realize again how exhausting 'corporal' his work. Besides, I must take care then to a new apartment and a fahrbarn base, which is quite annoying when you're away from home during the day and has on site no cell phone reception. But I habs managed to get out from November first I pull into a small but fine WG in Ingolstadt and a fancy car I have also in view.
On Monday, I may then even 'trial work', so I can slow the first 2 days' income for a training course and then start from 02.11. in my old department right back to work . I'm curious to see how it feels to focus again 8-10h ... I am pleased of course to my colleagues and then to create something productive.

If I then again in a regular routine and I put a little more time is it safe soon resumé with some facts and things that I have gelertnt from my trip ... Then I
thousands of images that are sorted to wait and viewed with nice stories to be together. My objective is slideshow is about to make the trip ... So since excited!

So I hope you continue to occasionally look over at my blog, I'll try einzupflegen date news regularly.

Until then ... January

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Make Your Own Wrestling Belt Game

calculating Impfintervalle

Unfortunately, there is always trouble with the tournaments Impfintervallen were not kept properly. For most, it is not possible to see at a glance whether the intervals have been followed. A small program will help facilitate and arithmetic.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Employment Contract Sample Beauty Salon

Indian Summer ... in Quebec

One last time, hi to all!

Sooo ... now it is so far is the last day of my trip around the world begun , tonight is my flight and Monday Lunch (05.10.09) I land back home in Berlin. I'm something of tense and divided internally ... I am of course thrilled to see you all again in real, but I'm also sad that it's over and have a little afraid of German life, in whom I see once again be pure. Well, we'll see ...

Back to my journey ... the last 2 weeks I spent in the Canadian Province 'Quebec' . After the bike weekend with Robin we took the plane to Montreal (pronounced 'Monreal' without T). A very pleasant town, a little older than most other Canadian cities, very 'multicultural' and French. The real talking all French ... , and my 10 years used Franzoesischkenntnisse are almost zero. But here in the city, it also comes with English quite well and it is not I got bored after a few days.

But I decide once again for a rental car to the 'Indian Summer' to explore on your own. It's in 3 days, about 1200km north in the French city Quebec (City) and some by the Pampa. Unfortunately, the weather here in Eastern Canada says not so good to me and it is mostly cloudy and rain occasionally. Therefore, the pictures are not quite so great ... you just think the colors of the trees are twice as strong.
Back in Montreal, it heist then again saying goodbye and 8h later I get off the bus in Toronto . This is my last stop because from there I fly home. The last few days I'll make a beautiful, quiet and proposed finished a bit through the city and of course, if you're already here, a day trip to Niagara Falls. . (Unfortunately, in the pouring rain ;-(

So then I would say to the days and hoping for a pleasant flight back

Oh, @ Mark: Your tactics with a flight upgrade has never worked with me But that certainly was. good. ... I have learned so

;-) See you soon ... I miss you all!
Many thick Greetings from Canada ... Jan