Sunday, October 25, 2009

Autodesk Sketchbook Recommended Tablet

revealed growth disorders in foals

After a long break I'm writing another article. This time of growth disorders in foals.

include growth disorders:

  • deformities
  1. axial deviation
  2. rotation deformity
  3. tendon deformities
  • osteochondrosis
  1. joint surface changes
  2. OCD or chips
  3. cysts
  • Physitis / Epiphysitis
  1. inflammation of the growth

The prevalence of stunting is generally underestimated. Depending on the definition and processing of the data is found in the literature for normally reared foals a frequency of 10% to 50%. The growth of disease is osteochondrosis up to 25% of the foals. Not always, there is permanent damage in the adult horse. Some disorders require but a very rapid intervention to prevent damage.

The article explains the causes, consequences and therapeutic possibilities of various diseases.

One Piece Robin Slap Spanda

The end ... back home!

Home Hello!
Soo ... now it's over ... one year traveling around the world is finished, I arrived back home and unfortunately I am already integrated in the German daily routine.

Hello home!
Sooo ... here it is ... My year's world tour is over, I'm back home arrived and, unfortunately, already fully integrated in German life.

flirts At ... Many thanks to all the people I've met , with whom I had a great time and special THANKS to all of you guys who have become frinds to me. It was a gorgeous time, most of you will stay in my mind for long time. If one of you ever wants to visit Germany, please cantact me!

First ... times a big THANK YOU to all that I have met on the road, which was allowed to travel with me and a special THANK YOU to all who have even become friends! Many of you will remain in my memory and always be a part of my journey. If at some point one of you would like to visit Germany, you just contact me! I'll help you. At 5:10:09 am

after almost a year since I landed back in Berlin . Actually I wanted to finish the trip only in my small village Brielow and by train, bus and travel on foot to go home ... but my good friends, it would not give up, pick me up from the airport. To properly tune into Germany, we went to the 'berliner' Oktoberfest and have a delicious wheat beer and a sausage enjoyed. Later in the evening it was still delicious German, dark, fresh bread with sausage and cheese. (Sometimes it's the simple things that make a happy ;-)
the next 3 days it was called then friends and family see say hello and to settle. Time is running and my brother (Ralph) and his girlfriend have been put into the Show (child on the march and bought an old house) and you need a 'little' help in renovating . So I am leaving with my dad to the south, referred to the village (southwest of Munich) and me the next 2 week trial as a construction worker. Each day 9-12am to work, because you realize again how exhausting 'corporal' his work. Besides, I must take care then to a new apartment and a fahrbarn base, which is quite annoying when you're away from home during the day and has on site no cell phone reception. But I habs managed to get out from November first I pull into a small but fine WG in Ingolstadt and a fancy car I have also in view.
On Monday, I may then even 'trial work', so I can slow the first 2 days' income for a training course and then start from 02.11. in my old department right back to work . I'm curious to see how it feels to focus again 8-10h ... I am pleased of course to my colleagues and then to create something productive.

If I then again in a regular routine and I put a little more time is it safe soon resumé with some facts and things that I have gelertnt from my trip ... Then I
thousands of images that are sorted to wait and viewed with nice stories to be together. My objective is slideshow is about to make the trip ... So since excited!

So I hope you continue to occasionally look over at my blog, I'll try einzupflegen date news regularly.

Until then ... January

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Make Your Own Wrestling Belt Game

calculating Impfintervalle

Unfortunately, there is always trouble with the tournaments Impfintervallen were not kept properly. For most, it is not possible to see at a glance whether the intervals have been followed. A small program will help facilitate and arithmetic.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Employment Contract Sample Beauty Salon

Indian Summer ... in Quebec

One last time, hi to all!

Sooo ... now it is so far is the last day of my trip around the world begun , tonight is my flight and Monday Lunch (05.10.09) I land back home in Berlin. I'm something of tense and divided internally ... I am of course thrilled to see you all again in real, but I'm also sad that it's over and have a little afraid of German life, in whom I see once again be pure. Well, we'll see ...

Back to my journey ... the last 2 weeks I spent in the Canadian Province 'Quebec' . After the bike weekend with Robin we took the plane to Montreal (pronounced 'Monreal' without T). A very pleasant town, a little older than most other Canadian cities, very 'multicultural' and French. The real talking all French ... , and my 10 years used Franzoesischkenntnisse are almost zero. But here in the city, it also comes with English quite well and it is not I got bored after a few days.

But I decide once again for a rental car to the 'Indian Summer' to explore on your own. It's in 3 days, about 1200km north in the French city Quebec (City) and some by the Pampa. Unfortunately, the weather here in Eastern Canada says not so good to me and it is mostly cloudy and rain occasionally. Therefore, the pictures are not quite so great ... you just think the colors of the trees are twice as strong.
Back in Montreal, it heist then again saying goodbye and 8h later I get off the bus in Toronto . This is my last stop because from there I fly home. The last few days I'll make a beautiful, quiet and proposed finished a bit through the city and of course, if you're already here, a day trip to Niagara Falls. . (Unfortunately, in the pouring rain ;-(

So then I would say to the days and hoping for a pleasant flight back

Oh, @ Mark: Your tactics with a flight upgrade has never worked with me But that certainly was. good. ... I have learned so

;-) See you soon ... I miss you all!
Many thick Greetings from Canada ... Jan

Monday, September 21, 2009

Pregnant Kavya Madhavan

Fu** ... I can see the end... last weeks in Canada & US

Hey people ...

is likely to be one of my last report from my trip around the world. But how beautiful it is called so ... when it is best to stop there. Well, I'm not just sad, enjoy the last 2 weeks and am looking forward to seeing you all at home.

The last few weeks provided a lot of action again. In
Banff I Clayton, a Kiwi made, and we have put together a car and are the 'most beautiful' road to Canada's Jasper down. The trip is 400km long and you have to admire massive atemnberaubende natural wonders ... looking bright-blue glaciers, green lakes, rivers tuerkiese, waterfalls and all the great middle of a mountain backdrop. So need we finally arrive at the day in Jasper. The hostel has 50 dorms despite a very nice climate. The next 2 days will be fully utilized ... seen early at 6:00 to leave at sunrise wildlife (unfortunately without success), then a great lake and later another 5 h hike on a nearby mountain. The area is just so awesome, here you have to make out what. The weather here is already getting better and better my sore throat slowly again. On the third day of our little tour around there are a few Cliff Jumps at Horsshoe-Lake and then back from Banff.
The following weekend will be celebrated on Sa.abend beautiful and Sunday I leave it easy and write, among other things all of your postcards. Hope to come soon ;-) to
Now it's already set off in the direction of Vancouver to fly further. I try a 2nd time with hitchhiking and had much less success. This time I need for 12 and 450 km 2 times good must wait 2 hours. This is frustrating ... Since Kelowna, the Weinstaedtchen, located half way, I'm here again stop. On Wednesday morning I am going to Vancouver again 6h, then gather up my things left behind in the hostel and Olivia late at night and fly to New York, a few hours later, then straight on to Washington DC, for Robin .

Robin is an old friend from Audi, I have not seen for 3-year ... we have to tell us much. Since he drives a lot of downhill and a mountain pass is near, we the weekend to the downhill biking . Again it super cool ... I only this time a bit more often kiss the ground and stones and are demolished after the weekend my knee, right arm and both hands ;-)... but what does not kill us makes us even harder! Today I was shopping a little, since clean clothes are cheap. Tomorrow we will once again up to Canada, after Quebec . Here I will again be visiting a few people and finish my trip in peace.

So you soon ... am!

Many greetings from Ami-Land ... January

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Top Rated Prosumer Camcorders 2010

Up to the Rockies...

Hello ...
It is some time passed since the last report, sorry, that I have you wait so long ... but there was much to do ;-)

Whistler , here I was overall a good week and the last days were better than the first. I could enjoy the Elaho River with Max again to double the water, the Bike Park has had to get me twice to see and my heart beat much higher. fly with the bike 5-6m wide and the half-way to control is cool! And when she heard I can not get enough and I kissed the ground during the last run, but not bad. The glacier hikes I've just moved to the Rockies and instead prefer the guys watched the Dirtbikefahren. This is sooo cool! I hereby promise that I'm in the next season with its own Crossmaschiene it. On the last evening I cook for all the WG as a farewell Thank You my friend "Huenchengeschnetzeltes Stroganov.
Jocelyn, Marie, Karl & Real , the time in whistler in your home was amazing! Thank you so much for all the fun! Hope to see you again ...

Then it goes but at some point, and do towards Rocky Mountains ... Joclyn said hitchhiking works really well and actually I need for the 400 km to Kelowna only 3 lifts, never wait longer than 10 minutes later and I am 7 am in Town. Kelowna is
on Okanagan Lake in the famous wine valley (Okanagen Valley). So here, too ;-) wine is tasted in the wine museum and Jackie works for a little chat, she offers me a private Weinfuehrung. Two days later we visit 5 wineries and a goat cheese farm. A super day that ends with a tasty barbecue.
Jackie, it was marvelous ... Thank you soo much!
After a bit of sightseeing and hiking, it is smaller but then on into the real mountains. I can ride with Clint and David right up to Banff.

Banff is Canada's 1383m the highest city and tourist center in the Rockies. The mountains are to good rungherum 3500 high. The area reminds me of back in Norway, only much bigger everything. So far I've climbed two mountains peaks and the famous Lake Louise seen ... the weather is not with 5-15 degrees and some rain all that great, but the area here is stunning, even without the sun.

So I enjoy my last month and wish you all a good time at home.
I am of course cry a little bit on that the trip is almost over, but I am pleased also to home to you.

soon, many greetings from Canada ... January

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Why Contortionist Thin

Canada - Vancouver & -Island

Hey hey ... The first regards from Canada!

I am of course well-landed in Vancouver. During a stop in Houston, USA could U.S. fellow Americans the same again left a 'good' impression on the security controls. I like you, unfortunately, still not ;-)

Vancouver is a great city! It is located right on the sea, many beaches, behind which are the mountains, multicultural people, very friendly, open people, seasons similar to ours ... Unfortunately, only 'clean' expensive! After a few days sightseeing, chilling in Stanley Park and hike on the Grouse Mountain, I followed the recommendations of other travelers ... Off to Vancouver
Iceland. The island is 450km long and well about 100km wide, so huge. On the one hand, there are beautiful beaches, on the other hand, salt water lakes and Mountains in the background ... real smart. And I was lucky and have 3 Canadian made, which I was able to join the Seekayakfahren. On the island, there are countless small and bigger Bars migrates along the coast or through the "jungle". A little tip ... the famous 'Tofino' is great but expensive and abnormal buissy!

After the first week I was back in Vancouver again to visit 'Olivia' (which I met in Chile). She has shown me some of Vancouver 'local view' and we were celebrating since long time well ;-)
Thank you so much Olivia! What an awesome weekend with you and Rosa! Thx & great!

And on goes off to Whistler . Here I meet the Mexico-Reisegefaehrten by Kuno, Joslyn. He lives in a small Quebec community and takes me for a few days. I will come again a little away from the tourists and get good tips from the locals.
Joslin and Friends, thank you for the hospitable time in your house!
Whistler is quite touristy, but very cool nature, in the mountains. The first day I am going with Lisa, a paddler dt, a little hiking chillin at the lake, we swim and make contact with the local paddlers. Today I was finally with Max (from Montreal) to WW III paddling. And it looks like is the next Days nor more paddling ;-) Then there is a huge horny bike park, I have to definitely make a few runs. And 1-2 day hikes as well as glaciers are still on the to-do list.

After the adventures in the Mexican culture, I must admit that there almost a little 'boring' is ... not really, but in South America and Mexico, every day is an adventure, since so many things work differently or not as you think. This is very relaxed. The people and the landscape reminds me a little of Norway, only everything bigger ... a car would be cool, then one could enjoy nature even more ...

You see, it is exciting again, great people, great country ... I'm looking forward to the next 3 weeks before it goes to New York.

Many Greetings from Canada ... January

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My Fish Has Bubbles In Its Mouth

Chiapaz - Jungle and Temples

Hola amigos!

Que pasa? What's up? After Realaxane

went on the beach with a little more industrious nature and culture, after Chiapaz . The first stop is the small Bergstaedtchen " San Cristobal de las Casas . Here it is again a bit of culture in the old historic city center. All around there are many old and very traditional villages and about an hour from the 1000m deep Cañón del Sumidero . Unfortunately, it is as usual in the mountains, at night, "clean" because of the cold and rainy, it embarks every afternoon neat. The
then is the reason soon to travel further into the jungle, after Palenque. There are many Ruien and abundance of forest to be seen. The climate is tropical and I like it much better again. For me, the ruins in Yaxchitlan a highlight. Access only by boat, in the jungle and relatively few tourists, really great!

The Ruien in Palenque, although impressive in itself, but rather overcrowded. For me as a paddler, the waterfalls at Agua Azul course were also great. Not for the falls, but in the cool, clear water for bathing, which also :-)

added here after 4 days, ie is approaching departure towards Mexico City, because of the departure date. I left some things at Rudy in Queretaro and have the pick of the opportunity to tell me again to say goodbye and thank you. (Rudy, muchisimas gracias para el buen tiemp in Queretaro!)
So fast it goes ... 5 weeks around, I had a great time with Till people here in Mexico. I think I will come back ... but now it's first to Canada.

you soon ... from the north ... January

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Cute Texts For A Bf On Anniversary

Oaxaca State - culture & beach

Buenas Dias!

Sun .. I am again ...
went to trial in the paddle Jalcomulco it further south to Oaxaca (City). On the way out there, I met Felix and now traveling with him for a while. This helps my English and English may not be exactly on, but for two are a lot of things easier and cooler.

In Oaxaca, there is again a bit of culture in the form of ruins and temples ( Monte Alban ). In the city, an annual festival and is therefore much going on in the streets. The show we will not miss Naturee.

After a few days, it then proceeds toward the beach, but with a short stop in a small mystical mountain town of San Jose del Pacifico .

realax For almost a week we the beaches of Oaxaca . (Mazunte, Sant Antonillo, Puerto Escondido ,...) at about 30 degrees during the day, it will be a little lazy, enjoys swimming and makes small trips (eg to a Schildkroetenfarm) All I'm a nice tan, surf the trials my back but not. So it first heist not a sport and more chilling. I get down for a while but good.

So then you look look at the pictures and enjoy the summer time at home.

you soon ... Many greetings from Mexico ... January

Friday, July 24, 2009

Maytag Quiet Series 400 Locked

the 2nd week in Mexico

Buenas ... Since Greetings!

I just lay back with a shitty lumbago flat & use the time to write. Otherwise, it goes well and the journey will be very cool and spontaneous.

Last weekend we went with nearly 20 friends of Rudy after Nexpa to the beach. In the evening we meet at Rudy and mex and punctuality it is 2 hours later on in an old station wagon with Chavy 10 people. It will take 6 hours ... ;-) The ride is fun, we drink, sing, silly, people, music ... all the best! Eventually sleep but then almost everyone. Until we are woken up by approximately 3:00 on the brakes. I sit in front and when I wake up, stare at me a handful of gun-runners and fierce soldiers. We are in a 'normal' army control advised. The boys sins easily irritated and with masked faces, produced in me a very queasy feeling. After the car and all the people were controlled, it will continue. I need about half an hour after my Klos from the neck pick up and process the events. Others see such a routine check that easily. After all, we come
11h then at some point to at 7.00 in Nexpa. The beach is incredibly beautiful! Warm water, Palmenhuettchen, mountains in the background ... cool! Of the nearly 20 people we here about the weekend swimming, celebrations, realax, surfing ... I can remember 12 names. (Less so for mex bad name, I think) because it is just covered, I underestimate the sun and burn me again a little ;-( The 2 days are great, the people all open, friendly and I try to integrate. Saturday afternoon, it's unfortunately already returned home. This time in 7 hours!

On Monday, it will already heist again leave & take to the south. A night in Mexico City and then to Jalcomulco . Here I want to paddle. The village is small, has no ATMs and no mobile phone network (really small), is very welcoming people and very friendly . When paddling through questions on options, I am at 'Bobillo' meet & find another Ami (Brian), who lives here and lend me his boat. He invites me for the next day Bull Hunt blowing a , a few villages on one ... I wonder briefly, let me not miss the chance but ... The brook is waiting ;-)
In Xico Assembly every year at this time several thousand spectators from well within 100km and there are cops chased through the city. The tough guys running the front path. Brian and I were, I think the only non-Mexicans, funny feeling! After a few hours of celebration and Specktakel it goes home, nice food and then. The next day I'm with Jose on agreed paddling (Pescado River) It's funny to 15km & cozy with WWII-III there and the scenery is magnificent. Unfortunately my camera has given up the ghost, so there are no more pictures for now. After the Trip I wanted to make a Raftigtruppe the 2.Run, but there is once again my lumbago problem in your way.

you see there is constant wechselhat on my journey. We'll see how it goes. Tomorrow I will continue to Oaxaca and then to the beach.

you soon ...

Many greetings from Mexico ... January

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tamil Traditional Wedding Invitation

Mexico City & Teotihuacan

... Buenos Dias!

after canceled flight delayed 2 hours in Berlin and, I have my connecting plane in London to get to Mexico City just yet. From here we were again 11h flight, then the evening before I (Mex 7h behind us) have arrived in Mexico City . Since I do not know my way around, I take a Taxi to the hostel and 40 minutes later and 190Pesos (10EUR) poorer I am on target. The next day I'm going only on the metro, which costs only 2 pesos ;-) that's just the Tourizuschlag that one must pay as a newcomer.
Mexico (City) is now very different than I expected ... I have something similar as expected in South America ... but it is cleaner, the food is much better (except the steaks in Argentina), the people are friendly, very few tourists and I feel relatively safe. In the quarter Coyacan in the south of Mexico City in the evening you can walk without problems alone through the streets.

How is it when you arrive in a city, you have to first orentieren and needs to get in a few days. Therefore, I remain kanpp five days here. There is a little sightseeing in the center and surrounding neighborhoods, a visit to the Antrpologie Museum and the nearby temple of ' Teotihuacan '. What I soon notice Mexico is related to Peru is a country with dozens of cultures that had different eras and regions in their weddings. The best known, however, are probably the Maya, the Aztecs and the vll Mexico.

After ample taste of culture, I go on Monday after 3 hours northwest Quertetaro , for Rudy. I met him in February at the Hostal Don Santiago in Chile and he invited me home. Such an offer is rejected does not, of course, The Family nmmt me of friendly I spend a week on and some with Rudy and his friends, some with other Sightseing in surrounding towns send. On weekends we go well with a few friends after Nexpa, which is 6 hours west of here. I'm curious how cool that is ...!

So let surprise you what I will be giving to report.

Until then, greetings from Mexico ... January

PS: Oh yes ... the food is delicious, but it's a bit complicated to say what you get. There are tacos, Tortias, Quesadies, Gorditas ... and everything is basically the same ... A corn tortillas with various fillings and in different GroES. But almost all delicious ... and, amazingly, you get served on the road the better food.
And there are plenty of fresh and cheap and delicious fruits! So the food I schonmal to my heart!

Monday, July 6, 2009

5000 Uint In 100 Insulin Sylinge

Viaja a la ciudad de mexico

Sooo ... good people ... it goes on!

on to Mexico City, the second part of my world tour.
After all checks are in various doctors without disturbing anomalies behind me and I again go well, I'm looking forward to my last three months. I'm looking forward is already huge and white, that the time we rush to see it again in October here in Germany.
The first target is Mexico, for about a month. Depending on how nice it there is, then sooner or later I fly to Canada, Britsh Columbia, Vancouver. Who's for the two countries have good tips ... Bring it on!

Otherwise, I've got so many of you in my 'break' to meet and have enjoyed being here.

Since you have stopped by in recent weeks, some for me, I can announce you has already new reports from Mexico. It is certainly exciting and I hope you look back a little more pure.

So then ... worked diligently and very important ... enjoy the summer and indulge a great holiday.

soon ... January

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Free Fake Brazil Celebrities

Stopover in good old Germany...

Servus and Greet you!

As some have already noticed, I'm on a short vacation in Germany. After some physical problems in Chile and Argentina, and swine flu in my next destination, Mexico, I simply inserted a stop in Germany.
All investigations are through and I feel again ideally, all healthy. Therefore, I use the next 3-4 weeks to a few friends to visit and welcome home to relax with the family. Early in July, then continues in Mexico.
I'm already 2 weeks here, there was already a thing or reunion, cozy barbecues and booze ... anything like in the good old days ;-)

I hope I see one or the other of you still ...

soon, ... January

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Keshyog Hair Oil For Sale In Hyderabad

InkaJungleTrail & MachuPicchu

Hola amigos!

Sooo ... of Machu Picchu is behind us. Very impressive and beautiful!
the city of Cusco is the starting point for the Machu Picchu trip. There is the original "Inca Trail" as we run the 4-5 day on the old trail of the Incas ... The trip is fully booked months in advance. So we opt for a casual alternative, the "Inca Jungle Trail . The tour lasts 4 days and begins on kanpp 4000 with the Bike Mount. From here it is called 4-5h downhill, partly on alsphaltierter road, partly on gravel road ... very funny! The Night we spent with our group in the small village of "Santa Maria". The next morning we start early, as we walk through the jungle 8h uphill and down. Again shows our guide (Edgar) us many plants, explains how these have been and are used and explains to us a little about the history of the region. The second night is short again and again on the third day it is called walking. A little Gurch the jungle, a little along a railway line up to Aguas Caliente (hot water). The place is the Touriort par excellence, since it lies at the foot of Machu Picchu and all tours start from here to the summit.
The last night is the shortest, as we start running at 4:30 in the dark ... It is of 1850m in just over an hour up to 2430m, to the entrance of Machu Picchu . Here's doors open at 06:00 and we still want tickets to Wynapicchu (2700) have. The problem is, every day about 4000 people come up here and only allowed on the Wynapicchu 2x 200 (that's the steiele mountain in the background of the temple town on the typical photos) ... because it is said to be fast ;-) But we arrived early and get our tickets. Then we spend half the day wandering around amazed with, take pictures & rumklettern. The location and size of this city, is the middle of a steep hill, very impressive. Especially the temple on the Wynapicchu ... the mountain is 70-80 ° steep ... just as on it Houses can be built is unclear! In the evening we return by train to Cusco.

After a day of recreation, we now want to go to the coast, a little sunbathing, swimming and surfing ... the first stop heist Pisco ... The city was destroyed 2 years ago by an earthquake and there are only around Wood & Papphütten. The taxi driver we recommend a village to drive on, after Paracas, a nice little Touridörfchen directly on the beach. The city, however, is almost extinct here since the season is probably over already. Surfing and swimming is nothing here but we look at the "Galapagos island of arms" to. This is a special group of islands with millions of birds, seals, Pingui and all sorts of other animals.
The next experiment is a few hundred miles north in the direction of Lima and is called "Cerro Azul (Blue Mountain) ... also a nice little beach village, but unfortunately extinct and completely lost in the fog. That's not to surf ... So on to
Lima ... Here then ends Markus travel and after over 2.5 months, we now take our leave. Thanks Mark, it was a great trip with you! For him it's 16 hours by bus to Arequipa, then 5 hours by plane to Santiago, Chile and then home to Germany.
I stay in Lima a few days and make me think about the future plans ... Mexico is, at this moment not as the ideal destination ... So wait and see.

As always, have fun and go well & many greetings to all ... January

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Brazilian Wax Yourself Vidoe

Entrance into Peru - Aerequipa & Lake Titikaka

Buenos Dias! Hello to All & Greetings from Peru!

Sooo ... We arrived safely in Peru. I have no longer reported because there is so much to see & do & because we are quite fixed on the road ...

went to Santiago to the plane to three stopovers after Aerequipa (Peru). The village is situated on 2350m and from 2 volcanoes (Misti 5822m, 6035m Chachani) surrounded. A smart town with 750.000EW and a very interesting old town (see gallery). Generally the first impression of Peru is very different than in Chile and Argentina. It is somewhat simpler, more traditional, people are still small, dark and friendly. And to follow the traditions, we sample the local delicacy "Cuy" (guinea pig). Is a little like chicken, only less tuned ;-)
is Close to the "2" deepest canyon, the ColcaCanyon (3100m deep). Here we learn a lot about the pre-Inca cultures, see condors, llamas, alpacas and vicunas and were bathing in hot springs. To get into the canyon, we ueberquerren a pass with 4900m. Because you realize that the air is thin ... to alleviate the Symthome chewing coca leaves simple. During the day is "Kurzehosewettter" but the night is "freezing cold" & we friehren in the hostel (at 3600m) without heating, despite 4 ceiling. After all that
Canyon Tour is more "up" to Lake Titicaca (3830m). Here are the Incas arose here and they have around 1200 AD spread. Explore on your own is difficult, so we book the Standardtouriprogramm. By boat we travel to the islands and swim to the island Taquille (see gallery). As the lake also has a Bolivian side and should be the highlight of an Inca Sun Island, we take the stamp and the Bolivian even with. The days are slightly fresh, despite the blazing sun. The nights are around 0 º C freezing cold again! Mark learns here what a bad Sunglasses at altitude sun can and verblitzt eyes.
goes after the lake back into the mountains, to Cusco (3326m). Qusco in Quechua means "Navel of the World" since the city was the center of the Inca Empire. Here we learn a lot about the Inca stories and want to climb even the famous Machu Picchu ... dfazu but there the next time more.

I hope so slow summer in Germany to come and you let you go as well as I do myself.
Many greetings from Peru ... January

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Woman Saving Puzzy Hair

Weinsafari in Mendoza

Buenos Dias!
Sooo ... time is running and it happens a lot ...

our plan, we have very well kept. By Night bus we went to Mendoza (to the west of Argentina at the height of Santiago). This is rieseige wine region with numerous wine estates. The opportunity we could not pass up and have a wine Safari made by bicycle. We wanted to create 5-6 of the 12 nearby wineries, after 3 was the day has to. But it was worth it. In the small winery Familia di Tommaso we have found a "Pops Wine" . The Malbec Don Angelo 2004, a special series of the begrennzt to 4000 bottles. According to a sample bottle, we had to still take any one for a very special Anladd.
The next day we went even further to Santiago de Chile , in our old Hostel (Hostal Don Santiago, who is there just in case, it's great). The afternoon is more quiet and I've finally bought a camera. Although only something very simple, but for quick snap shots better than Mark's good. In the evening it was then feuchtfroehlich with the hosts of the hostel and a few other passengers ... Saturday was the thing to relax and unpack there, because the next morning it was said, to get up at 6.00 and from the plane to Peru .

so back in many regards and have fun
Reading & viewing pictures ... January

Monday, March 2, 2009

Og Mudbones Real Penis Size

Annual training event for horse people

Since we are often asked if there will be no 2009 as in previous years, again a lecture for horse owners and riders - here the view.

2009, we have more than enough deals in February, our one-day seminar on tendon injuries to arrange for veterinarians to prepare and successfully. The seminar was a great success, with more than 140 applications at a maximum of 40 possible participants heavily oversubscribed, so there will be a repeat in the fall. Those unable came into play, will be informed in good time.

On the same theme (Tendon disease and therapy in the horse) in spring 2010 we will then perform another event for horse owners and riders. We then go to the new treatment methods such as the use of stem cells, autologous Päparaten etc. Soon enough, it's back as before for information, a newsletter.

Until then so be patient - the way we have to work so even a little, and meanwhile there's the odd lecture by me at different events.

For more information:

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Japanese Shiny Leotards

Miami Circle

Gisela Ermel

Mysterious cult city holds its breath - speculation about strange "chance find"

In: Mysteries, No. 8, March / April 2005, Basel 2005

summer of 1998. dig among picturesque skyscrapers and the blue sea of Biscayne Bay a few archaeologists and volunteers on a demolition site of the city of Miami in the earth for Indian artifacts.

Archaeological excavation site in Miami

The excavators, led by Robert Carr, director of the Miami-Dade County Historic Preservation Division will not be disappointed. Numerous fragments of pottery, charred wood fragments, beads, animal bones, flints, and much more they can carry the light of day. But then it's over with the rest.

On one of those halcyon days that is making Ted Riggs - amateur archeologist and former residents of the apartment building from the late 50s here demolished had been - an unexpected find. Just in the place where you want to create a hyper-modern two-tower high-rise complex, he found some strange rectangular holes in the limestone bedrock.

Riggi supported. These holes were actually arranged like a bow? If they form a large circle around a whole? After he made his "bosses" on the discovery of attention, a shovel his metal claws digging into the ground, had always taken along the red line, the rigs with fluorescent paint.

feverishly working on it and comes across a strange 12 meter diameter circle measured from about 20 to 30 more or less rectangular holes.

heritage of a lost people?

What we had as excavated? Who had created these holes? Natural or man-made? Did you do the remains of a mysterious prehistoric monument found? Perhaps even the legacy of a lost people?

Ted Riggs was later in interviews, keep telling him what was then going through your mind: "That looks like a negative instead of Stonehenge stone pillars - holes!"

Mysterious Fund: circle of holes in the limestone bedrock

The archaeologists did what they always do when they make a puzzling discovery: contact by phone, fax and internet all of their colleagues around the world to exchange views with them on whether it had ever been somewhere gegehen a similar or identical Fund. Results: There was no comparison.

In winter 1999, it was definitely with the rest at the excavation site over, when Ted Riggs addressed the media. On 20 December cabled the TV channel CNN the message in all the world: "Mysterious stone circle on the banks of the Miami River dug!"

The archaeologists, it was said, were divided about the origin and meaning of this mysterious Stone Circle. The assumption that, due to the artifacts found to do rather with an old Tequesta Indian settlement, have moved more and more into the background.

aligned astronomically

Instead, soon made another round of speculation. The Cirlce is a calendar of astronomical sky! Ted Riggs explorers have found that the circle had been created in North-South direction and the holes were once well-include stone pillars. The plant was in his opinion, the Maya once served as an observatory, read it soon after the "Miami Herald".

Ted Rigg's Mayan theory appeared in several newspapers

The media reports mobilized the whole city. Were particularly interested in reporters for two stone axes, which were found in the Circle. Axes, as was known otherwise only from the Maya of Central America.

Soon onlookers flocked in droves to the excavation site at Brickell Point. Every day seemed self-proclaimed experts with new theories, tourists, businessmen and office workers from the nearby high-rises. Even high school students showed up - with the desire to help or the least bit sun-darkened "Relic Hunter" watch at work.

The overwhelming enthusiasm eventually received a painful shock, as most of the "Miami Herald" 17 January 1999 declared: "Past is in danger!"

Only now it was revealed that within a few weeks, the bulldozers of the property owner the "American Stonehenge", as it had already been baptized a few busybodies, would bulldoze.
Neither the landowners nor the City of Miami seemed willing or able to stop the bulldozers. In an act of despair tried a hired by archaeologists sculptor, to make a cast of the formation while was at his side, and the excavators been speculated excited about an ancient UFO landing pad, as well as about Mayan Indians, or about sacred Indian temple.
visitors to the enthusiastically plundered Plaztes the waste pile to take souvenirs. The press reveled in headlines and enthused: "America's youngest metropolis, a city without history, has now suddenly an older and more interesting story than anyone ever dared imagine!" The archaeologists had to get used to the interviewed, filmed and photographed to be.
Final was the world famous Miami Circle in late January 1999 when the popular radio show by Art Bell on the "American Stonehenge" and reports that ushered in a battle to save the plant.
The bombardment of calls, faxes and e-mails angry Circle savior was overwhelming. When then did another Delegation of Seminole Indians visited the excavation site, let the property owner to shut off the excavation site with a fence. Before that was cursed, meditated, prayed and watched - very Miami seemed to be on his feet. counter

The logo of the "Save the Circle" campaign
To this mass of assumptions, theories, observations and speculation, was in February 1999 convened a meeting, make known to the archaeologists their findings and opinions should. Prior to the last one standing room occupied room and a forest of cameras and microphones archaeologist Richard Carr first tried once to describe the circle.

sketch of the Miami Circle
He pointed out that, in and around the main circle of hundreds, apparently randomly distributed small holes were found. All of these holes had obviously been created with prehistoric tools. What is most remarkable, however, was the perfect arrangement of the main round holes.
euphoria and restraint
What had once served all the holes? And how old were they? As one listener pointed out to the astronomical alignment of the holes, Ted Riggs was in his element. The circle is - is evidence of four very large and deep holes that go beyond the normal circle edge - directed cardinal, and also marked a series of small holes in a point on the horizon, which refers to a midsummer date.
Archaeologists themselves held back with their opinions. You still have to inaccurate and too little data. Instead, they reported the Tequesta Indians, who had been in the "Miami Herald" already presented as "the lost people of Florida".
was remarkable that they had not yet found anything yet that the Tequesta Indians were made of stone. Even had the two stone axes from the Circle "introduced" have been, because the necessary equipment for this purpose it was only in distant areas.
Could the Tequesta be so general was the architect of the Circle? Or had they found the Circle and then only used for ceremonial purposes? Also relevant is, according to Robert Carr explained that the Tequesta had practiced no agriculture. So why would an astronomical calendar - when was the Circle at all because of - to serve?
How old was it but now the circle? Robert Carr announced at the meeting that the artifacts found reference to a time before 1000 to 2000 years - but that say nothing about the origin of the circle.
26.7 million U.S. dollars!
On 29 September 1999 surprised the "Miami Herald" his readers with the message, finally, that the property owner and the County had to agree to a purchase price: 26.7 million - over a million dollars a Circle-Hole!
The Miami Circle, in the background the statue of a Tequesta Indians on a column
There was still not clear what the Circle, then, was sent a team of state archaeologists to Miami. And so in October 1999, excavations began under Dr. Ryan Wheeler of the University of Florida. With modern equipment on one side and altbwährter muscle force on the other should the puzzle are revealed finally to the Circle.
Mechanical auger blade and special drills were used as well as a radar device that had to search for underground features and should identify where the earth still slumbered other surprises.
increasing number of small holes were discovered and more and more artifacts come to light which have all been dated to an approximate age of 1500 to 2000 years.
After the Circle was now saved, returned to the excavation site at last quiet again. No TV helicopter, no more Reporter schools - the public's interest waned gradually. However, new theories have been proposed. For example, maintains an archaeologist, all the holes were once been post holes for piles, grouped around the chief House - the Circle.
New tourist attraction
War solved the mystery of the Miami Circle with it? But here was no American "Stonehenge", no modern sewage system, as skeptics speculated and no UFO landing site, as others had hoped for? Nothing was clear - everything is open. The plant was saved, but not its mystery solved.
is now the Miami Circle as self-evident to the tourists attractions like a trip to the Everglades. Since the beginning of 2003 can finally admire the excavated artifacts. The Historical Museum of the city they are proud to announce visitors.
The Miami Circle - a never ending story? Still take to the research. And so the circle of what he was from the beginning: a puzzle of facts, Hypthesen, conjecture and speculation.
Gisela Ermel
Mysterious Miami Circle
On the trail of an archaeological mystery
Bohmeier-Verlag, Leipzig 2003
ISBN 3-89094-400-0
86 pages, with illustrations
Summer 1998: The discovery
Winter 1998/1999: The sensational news
February 1999: The first meeting of the Circle, The Tequesta
February 1999: First emergency plans and a radio experiment
February 1999: The Steinmetz action
February 1999: Demonstrations and speculation
February / March 1999: A first small victory
April 1999: The sewage plant scandal
Summer 1999: The Circle - a prehistoric astronomical system?
Intermezzo I: American Stonehenge
Summer 1999: The basalt axes - The end of the Mayan theory?
Intermezzo II: The Circle is saved: the fantastic Moundbuilder
Autumn 1999: The "spittoon" theory
Fall / Winter 1999!
2000: New excavations and even a theory
2001 to today: New plans, new finds and tourists everyday